* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. [Austin City Council Inauguration (Spanish)] [00:00:20] YES. TO INCLUDE COOK YES. [00:07:36] ONE SECOND. [00:15:29] [00:15:49] AND MORGAN GUINEA. SPENCER LARRY, STAN WATSON. HE SAID, YO, NATASHA HARPER MEDICINE. THE VIDEOS. [00:20:11] HI FROM MADISON, I OH. [00:26:07] IS HAVING PERSON [00:30:19] ME THROWING THIS 70 LOWER ME ALL. SOME JIDO. SO DE SALK COMPANION SPIT. MICHAEL THOMAS. THE WHITE STRATEGIES. THE WHITE STRATEGIES. E WATER [00:38:36] [00:40:35] HE EMK KATHLEEN IN . [00:45:50] AMANDA, NEITHER EXITO, EL PASO KILO. HERE IN FU DIVERSITY THAT LIKE [00:51:25] I GOT AUSTIN BEAUTIFUL AND [00:55:05] IN. * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.