* This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting. [Downtown Commission on July 17, 2024.] [00:00:04] GOOD EVENING FOLKS. IT IS NOW 6 0 1. UH, THE DOWNTOWN COMMISSION STANDS IN RECESS. WE DID NOT MEET QUORUM THIS EVENING. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME. I APPRECIATE YOUR PATIENCE. UH, WE WILL HAVE A VERY FULL AGENDA, UH, COME OR AUGUST MEETING. UH, IF ANYBODY HAS ANY ITEMS THAT THEY WANT, UH, PLEASE SEND THEM TO CHRISTINE OR ME, OR BOTH OF US, AND WE AND CHRISTIE, AND WE WILL MAKE SURE THAT, UM, WE HAVE A CHANCE TO DISCUSS 'EM WITH YOU IN ADVANCE. BUT AGAIN, THANK YOU FOR, UH, YOUR TIME TONIGHT AND I'M SORRY WE WEREN'T ABLE TO MEET QUORUM, UH, BUT I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING EACH OF YOU IN AUGUST. HAVE A GREAT REST OF JULY, AND PLEASE TRY TO STAY COOL AND HYDRATED. THANK YOU. . * This transcript was created by voice-to-text technology. The transcript has not been edited for errors or omissions, it is for reference only and is not the official minutes of the meeting.