2. Meeting Goals and Public Input Process a) Project Connect Outline 3. Regional Needs and Opportunities
4. How High?Capacity Transit fits in the CAMPO 2035 Regional Transportation Plan a) CAMPO 2035 Transportation Modes b) High?Capacity Transit Modes c) High?Capacity Transit Project Development and Status
4. How High?Capacity Transit fits in the CAMPO 2035 Regional Transportation Plan a) CAMPO 2035 Transportation Modes b) High?Capacity Transit Modes c) High?Capacity Transit Project Development and Status
2. Meeting Goals and Public Input Process a) Project Connect Outline 3. Regional Needs and Opportunities
4. How High?Capacity Transit fits in the CAMPO 2035 Regional Transportation Plan a) CAMPO 2035 Transportation Modes b) High?Capacity Transit Modes c) High?Capacity Transit Project Development and Status
4. How High?Capacity Transit fits in the CAMPO 2035 Regional Transportation Plan a) CAMPO 2035 Transportation Modes b) High?Capacity Transit Modes c) High?Capacity Transit Project Development and Status