CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMENTS 1. Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but that may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to ten individuals may sign up to speak -- each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 12th.
Staff recommendation i. To approve activating a contract amount increase for the Commute Solutions consultant, RideShark, and authorizing the Director to negotiate and execute Amendment #2 and the accompanying resolution ii. To approve activating a contract amount increase for CDM Smith, and authorizing the Director to negotiate and execute the amendment and the accompanying resolution
Staff and TAC recommendations i. To approve a request by the City of San Marcos to transfer STP MM funds between two projects awarded during the 2005 Call for Project Applications ii. To approve a request by Texas State University to modify STP MM project awarded during the 2005 Call for Project Applications iii. To approve a process to award Transportation Development Credits in the CAMPO region iv. To use resident to job ratios in the development of the CAMPO 2040 Regional Transportation Plan v. To approve DRAFT Centers map for the development of the CAMPO 2040 Regional Transportation Plan vi. To approve smoothing of the urbanized area boundaries vii. To approve the functional classification of roadways in the CAMPO planning area
Report from the CAMPO Director A. Upcoming 2040 Plan Development Work Sessions: September 27th and November 22, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. B. Awarded Transportation Enhancement Projects in the CAMPO region C. Availability of Interactive Map on CAMPO website D. Website Redesign E. Social Media Update
4. Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee 5. Report from the Chair of the Transportation Policy Board 6. Adjourn
CALL TO ORDER CITIZEN COMMENTS 1. Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but that may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to ten individuals may sign up to speak -- each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 12th.
Staff recommendation i. To approve activating a contract amount increase for the Commute Solutions consultant, RideShark, and authorizing the Director to negotiate and execute Amendment #2 and the accompanying resolution ii. To approve activating a contract amount increase for CDM Smith, and authorizing the Director to negotiate and execute the amendment and the accompanying resolution
Staff and TAC recommendations i. To approve a request by the City of San Marcos to transfer STP MM funds between two projects awarded during the 2005 Call for Project Applications ii. To approve a request by Texas State University to modify STP MM project awarded during the 2005 Call for Project Applications iii. To approve a process to award Transportation Development Credits in the CAMPO region iv. To use resident to job ratios in the development of the CAMPO 2040 Regional Transportation Plan v. To approve DRAFT Centers map for the development of the CAMPO 2040 Regional Transportation Plan vi. To approve smoothing of the urbanized area boundaries vii. To approve the functional classification of roadways in the CAMPO planning area
Report from the CAMPO Director A. Upcoming 2040 Plan Development Work Sessions: September 27th and November 22, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. B. Awarded Transportation Enhancement Projects in the CAMPO region C. Availability of Interactive Map on CAMPO website D. Website Redesign E. Social Media Update
4. Report from the Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee 5. Report from the Chair of the Transportation Policy Board 6. Adjourn