Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2016.
Chair Announcements a. Report on the April 20, 2016 Joint Executive Committee Meeting between CAMPO & AAMPO b. TAC Bylaws Sub Committee Update
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair Mr. Hemingson will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Approval of the April 4, 2016 Meeting Summary Mr. Johnson will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the April 4, 2016 meeting summary.
Appointment of CAMPO Representative to the Capital Metro Board Mr. Johnson will request the Transportation Policy Board appoint a member of the CAMPO board as a voting representative on the Capital Metro board.
Consideration of Recommendation of Selection Criteria for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (FTA 5310) Call for Projects Mr. Kone will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the existing FTA 5310 project selection criteria.
Discussion and Approval of Change of CAMPO Fiscal Agent from the City of Austin to Williamson County Mr. Tindall will request TPB approval of a fiscal agent change to facilitate CAMPO’s day-to-day business.
Discussion on the Feasibility of Park and Rides in the CAMPO Region Mr. Justin Word and Mr. Todd Hemingson will present on current activities related to potential park and rides in the region.
10. Update on the Smart Cities Challenge Grant The city will provide a status update on the USDOT’s Smart Cities Grant Process. 11. Update on the Bastrop County Transportation Plan Alliance Transportation will provide an update on the development of the Bastrop County Transportation Plan.
Discussion of Midwest Subregional Study for Eastern Burnet/Western Travis/Southwestern Williamson County Draft Study Goals, and Scope Judge Oakley will lead a discussion on the status of initiating the study.
13. Report on Transportation Planning Activities a. Wirtz Dam Rd. RFP b. Report on Walkability Action Institute in Atlanta c. Report on Reliability Workshop d. TPB July 11, 2016 meeting 15. Adjournment
Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, May 9, 2016.
Chair Announcements a. Report on the April 20, 2016 Joint Executive Committee Meeting between CAMPO & AAMPO b. TAC Bylaws Sub Committee Update
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair Mr. Hemingson will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Approval of the April 4, 2016 Meeting Summary Mr. Johnson will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the April 4, 2016 meeting summary.
Appointment of CAMPO Representative to the Capital Metro Board Mr. Johnson will request the Transportation Policy Board appoint a member of the CAMPO board as a voting representative on the Capital Metro board.
Consideration of Recommendation of Selection Criteria for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (FTA 5310) Call for Projects Mr. Kone will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the existing FTA 5310 project selection criteria.
Discussion and Approval of Change of CAMPO Fiscal Agent from the City of Austin to Williamson County Mr. Tindall will request TPB approval of a fiscal agent change to facilitate CAMPO’s day-to-day business.
Discussion on the Feasibility of Park and Rides in the CAMPO Region Mr. Justin Word and Mr. Todd Hemingson will present on current activities related to potential park and rides in the region.
10. Update on the Smart Cities Challenge Grant The city will provide a status update on the USDOT’s Smart Cities Grant Process. 11. Update on the Bastrop County Transportation Plan Alliance Transportation will provide an update on the development of the Bastrop County Transportation Plan.
Discussion of Midwest Subregional Study for Eastern Burnet/Western Travis/Southwestern Williamson County Draft Study Goals, and Scope Judge Oakley will lead a discussion on the status of initiating the study.
13. Report on Transportation Planning Activities a. Wirtz Dam Rd. RFP b. Report on Walkability Action Institute in Atlanta c. Report on Reliability Workshop d. TPB July 11, 2016 meeting 15. Adjournment