Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, April 10, 2017.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair The Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Presentation and Public Hearing for the Draft FYs 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program
Discussion and Approval of the March 6, 2017 Meeting Summary Mr. Johnson will present the March 6, 2017 meeting summary and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of the General Planning Consultant Contract Mr. Johnson will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the General Planning Consultant Contract.
Discussion of the Draft 2018-2027 Unified Transportation Program Project List TxDOT will provide an overview of the Draft 2018-2027 Unified Transportation Program Project List.
12. Announcements a. Technical Advisory Committee Meeting – April 24, 2017 b. Transportation Policy Board Meeting – May 8, 2017 13. Adjournment
Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, April 10, 2017.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair The Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Presentation and Public Hearing for the Draft FYs 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program
Discussion and Approval of the March 6, 2017 Meeting Summary Mr. Johnson will present the March 6, 2017 meeting summary and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of the General Planning Consultant Contract Mr. Johnson will request Transportation Policy Board approval of the General Planning Consultant Contract.
Discussion of the Draft 2018-2027 Unified Transportation Program Project List TxDOT will provide an overview of the Draft 2018-2027 Unified Transportation Program Project List.
12. Announcements a. Technical Advisory Committee Meeting – April 24, 2017 b. Transportation Policy Board Meeting – May 8, 2017 13. Adjournment