Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in theCAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact theCAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, August 14, 2017.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair Mr. Ed Polasek The Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee will provide an overview of TAC discussion items andrecommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Discussion and Approval of CAMPO Appointment to Capital Metro Board Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will request approval of CAMPO appointment to the Capital Metro Board of Directors.
Discussion and Approval of June 5, 2017 Meeting Summary Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will present the June 5, 2017 meeting summary and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of CAMPO Transportation Development Credit (TDC) Policy Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will provide an overview of proposed TDC allocation policy and request approval.
Discussion and Approval of Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) and CapitalMetro TDC Applications Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will provide an overview of TDC applications and request approval.
Presentation of Project Connect Central Corridor Study Mr. Joe Clemens, Capital Metro Mr. Clemens will provide an overview of the preliminary results of the Project Connect Central Corridor Study.
Presentation of Georgetown Williams Drive Study Mr. Kelly Porter, CAMPO Mr. Porter will provide a presentation of the Platinum Planning Georgetown Williams Drive Study.
12. Report on Transportation Planning Activities A. CAMPO Title VI Audit Finding - Ms. Doise Miers, CAMPO Ms. Miers will present TxDOT’s audit findings of the CAMPO Title VI Program. B. CAMPO Executive Director’s Invitation to Austin Area Research Organization (AARO) Ashby Johnson, CAMPO C. Chairman and Executive Director Trip to Washington, D.C. Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO D. Current Long Range and Short Range Planning Activities Ashby Johnson, CAMPO 14. Adjournment
Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in theCAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact theCAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, August 14, 2017.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee Chair Mr. Ed Polasek The Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee will provide an overview of TAC discussion items andrecommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
Discussion and Approval of CAMPO Appointment to Capital Metro Board Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will request approval of CAMPO appointment to the Capital Metro Board of Directors.
Discussion and Approval of June 5, 2017 Meeting Summary Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will present the June 5, 2017 meeting summary and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of CAMPO Transportation Development Credit (TDC) Policy Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will provide an overview of proposed TDC allocation policy and request approval.
Discussion and Approval of Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) and CapitalMetro TDC Applications Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will provide an overview of TDC applications and request approval.
Presentation of Project Connect Central Corridor Study Mr. Joe Clemens, Capital Metro Mr. Clemens will provide an overview of the preliminary results of the Project Connect Central Corridor Study.
Presentation of Georgetown Williams Drive Study Mr. Kelly Porter, CAMPO Mr. Porter will provide a presentation of the Platinum Planning Georgetown Williams Drive Study.
12. Report on Transportation Planning Activities A. CAMPO Title VI Audit Finding - Ms. Doise Miers, CAMPO Ms. Miers will present TxDOT’s audit findings of the CAMPO Title VI Program. B. CAMPO Executive Director’s Invitation to Austin Area Research Organization (AARO) Ashby Johnson, CAMPO C. Chairman and Executive Director Trip to Washington, D.C. Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO D. Current Long Range and Short Range Planning Activities Ashby Johnson, CAMPO 14. Adjournment