Certification of Quorum – Quorum requirement is 11 members ....................................................................................................... Commissioner Cynthia Long, Chair
Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 9, 2020.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair……..…...………… Mr. Mike Hodge Mr. Hodge will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
CONSENT AGENDA: THE SECTION BELOW INCLUDES ROUTINE OR RECURRING ITEMS FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION UNLESS A REQUEST TO DISCUSS THE ITEM IS PRESENTED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD. THE ITEM WILL THEN BE CONSIDERED, DISCUSSED AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TAKEN SEPARATELY. 6. Discussion and Approval of February 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes ……………………………………………………………..…………...Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will present the February 10, 2020 meeting minutes and request Transportation Policy Board approval. Transportation Policy Board Agenda – March 9, 2020 Page 2 Persons with Disabilities: Upon request, reasonable accommodations are provided. Please call 512-215-8225 at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting to arrange for assistance. 7. Discussion and Acceptance of Regional Transit Study ………………….Ms. Doise Miers, CAMPO Ms. Miers will present the Regional Transit Study and request acceptance by the Transportation Policy Board. 8. Discussion and Approval of Transportation Development Credit (TDC) Application for Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program …………...……Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will request approval of the TDC application for the Regional TDM Program.
Discussion and Approval of FY 2020 & 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment #2 ………………………………………….……...…Ms. Theresa Hernandez, CAMPO Ms. Hernandez will present a UPWP Amendment for FYs 2020 & 2021 with accompanying Resolutions 2020-2-7A and 2020-2-7B and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of Performance Measure Target Updates ……Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will request approval of the federal performance measure targets.
Discussion Related to IH-35 Funding …………………..……….……...…...TxDOT Austin District A TxDOT representative will provide a briefing on recent Texas Transportation Commission action and next steps for CAMPO
Discussion on Project Progress Reports …………………………………Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will present information on sponsor progress for CAMPO funded projects.
Executive Director’s Report on Transportation Planning Activities a. Update on 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
14. Announcements a. Next Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, March 23, 2020 – 2:00 p.m. b. Next Transportation Policy Board Meeting, April 6, 2020 – 6:00 p.m. 15. Adjournment
Certification of Quorum – Quorum requirement is 11 members ....................................................................................................... Commissioner Cynthia Long, Chair
Public Comments Comments are limited to topics not on the agenda but may directly or indirectly affect transportation in the CAMPO geographic area. Up to 10 individuals may sign up to speak – each of whom must contact the CAMPO office by 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 9, 2020.
Report from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Chair……..…...………… Mr. Mike Hodge Mr. Hodge will provide an overview of TAC discussion items and recommendations to the Transportation Policy Board.
CONSENT AGENDA: THE SECTION BELOW INCLUDES ROUTINE OR RECURRING ITEMS FOR COLLECTIVE ACTION UNLESS A REQUEST TO DISCUSS THE ITEM IS PRESENTED BY A MEMBER OF THE BOARD. THE ITEM WILL THEN BE CONSIDERED, DISCUSSED AND APPROPRIATE ACTION TAKEN SEPARATELY. 6. Discussion and Approval of February 10, 2020 Meeting Minutes ……………………………………………………………..…………...Mr. Ashby Johnson, CAMPO Mr. Johnson will present the February 10, 2020 meeting minutes and request Transportation Policy Board approval. Transportation Policy Board Agenda – March 9, 2020 Page 2 Persons with Disabilities: Upon request, reasonable accommodations are provided. Please call 512-215-8225 at least three (3) business days prior to the meeting to arrange for assistance. 7. Discussion and Acceptance of Regional Transit Study ………………….Ms. Doise Miers, CAMPO Ms. Miers will present the Regional Transit Study and request acceptance by the Transportation Policy Board. 8. Discussion and Approval of Transportation Development Credit (TDC) Application for Regional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program …………...……Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will request approval of the TDC application for the Regional TDM Program.
Discussion and Approval of FY 2020 & 2021 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Amendment #2 ………………………………………….……...…Ms. Theresa Hernandez, CAMPO Ms. Hernandez will present a UPWP Amendment for FYs 2020 & 2021 with accompanying Resolutions 2020-2-7A and 2020-2-7B and request Transportation Policy Board approval.
Discussion and Approval of Performance Measure Target Updates ……Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will request approval of the federal performance measure targets.
Discussion Related to IH-35 Funding …………………..……….……...…...TxDOT Austin District A TxDOT representative will provide a briefing on recent Texas Transportation Commission action and next steps for CAMPO
Discussion on Project Progress Reports …………………………………Mr. Ryan Collins, CAMPO Mr. Collins will present information on sponsor progress for CAMPO funded projects.
Executive Director’s Report on Transportation Planning Activities a. Update on 2045 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)
14. Announcements a. Next Technical Advisory Committee Meeting, March 23, 2020 – 2:00 p.m. b. Next Transportation Policy Board Meeting, April 6, 2020 – 6:00 p.m. 15. Adjournment