III. Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC). IV. Executive Session: Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code-Legal advice regarding Labor structure
Board Committee Updates: 1. Finance/Audit committee; 2. Rail committee; 3. Operations/Planning committee; 4. Labor committee; and 5. CAMPO Update
Action Items: 1. Board Minutes for July 25, 2011 2. Approval to modify a contract for a shop lighting upgrade with Energy Savings Strategies. 3. Approval to execute a contract for software support for the Spear Asset Management product with Hanson Information Technology. 4. Approval of an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Williamson County Precinct 1, for the Build Central Texas Suburban Communities Program. 5. Approval to exercise the option on a lease with Quest Davis Partners, Ltd. at 323 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. 6. Ratification of action by the Capital Metro Retirement Plan for Admistrative Employees Committee to address the Sunset Commission Recommendation. 7. Approval of resolutions related to contracted transit services.
VIII. Reports: 1. Planning/Development 2. Operations 3. Finance 4. President's Report IX. Items for Future Discussion: X. Adjournment
III. Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC). IV. Executive Session: Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code-Legal advice regarding Labor structure
Board Committee Updates: 1. Finance/Audit committee; 2. Rail committee; 3. Operations/Planning committee; 4. Labor committee; and 5. CAMPO Update
Action Items: 1. Board Minutes for July 25, 2011 2. Approval to modify a contract for a shop lighting upgrade with Energy Savings Strategies. 3. Approval to execute a contract for software support for the Spear Asset Management product with Hanson Information Technology. 4. Approval of an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Williamson County Precinct 1, for the Build Central Texas Suburban Communities Program. 5. Approval to exercise the option on a lease with Quest Davis Partners, Ltd. at 323 Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. 6. Ratification of action by the Capital Metro Retirement Plan for Admistrative Employees Committee to address the Sunset Commission Recommendation. 7. Approval of resolutions related to contracted transit services.
VIII. Reports: 1. Planning/Development 2. Operations 3. Finance 4. President's Report IX. Items for Future Discussion: X. Adjournment