Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC).
Board Committee Updates: 1. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee 2. Operations and Planning Committee; and 3. CAMPO
1. Approval of Board Minutes for January 28, 2013 and Public Hearing for January 28, 2013. 2. Approval of a resolution approving the Build Central Texas (BCT) – Program 7 Suburban Communities FY2013 projects list. 3. Approval of contracts with Weston Solutions, Inc. and Freese & Nichols, Inc. for professional environmental engineering.
Action Items: 1. Approval of a resolution to authorize a waiver of certain portions of Section I. Organization contained in the CAMPO Joint Powers Agreement
Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC).
Board Committee Updates: 1. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee 2. Operations and Planning Committee; and 3. CAMPO
1. Approval of Board Minutes for January 28, 2013 and Public Hearing for January 28, 2013. 2. Approval of a resolution approving the Build Central Texas (BCT) – Program 7 Suburban Communities FY2013 projects list. 3. Approval of contracts with Weston Solutions, Inc. and Freese & Nichols, Inc. for professional environmental engineering.
Action Items: 1. Approval of a resolution to authorize a waiver of certain portions of Section I. Organization contained in the CAMPO Joint Powers Agreement