Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC).
Board Committee Updates: 1. Operations, Planning and Safety Committee; 2. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and 3. CAMPO
Consent Items: 1. Approval of Board of Directors minutes for the June 20, 2014 Finance, Audit and Administration Committee Meeting and July 28, 2014 Board Meeting. 2. Approval of a resolution removing Pam Laine and Donna Simmons from the Investment Committee and appointing Leslie Browder and Elias Sissamis as members. 3. Approval of a contract with Pampered Lawns Austin, Inc., to provide Landscaping Maintenance Services. 4. Approval of an amendment to the final one year extension of the current Interlocal Agreement with the City of Austin for City of Austin employee transit passes 5. Appointment of Terry Mitchell as Chairperson for the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee 6. Appointment of Wade Cooper as a member of the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee
Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC); and 2. Access Advisory Committee (AAC).
Board Committee Updates: 1. Operations, Planning and Safety Committee; 2. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and 3. CAMPO
Consent Items: 1. Approval of Board of Directors minutes for the June 20, 2014 Finance, Audit and Administration Committee Meeting and July 28, 2014 Board Meeting. 2. Approval of a resolution removing Pam Laine and Donna Simmons from the Investment Committee and appointing Leslie Browder and Elias Sissamis as members. 3. Approval of a contract with Pampered Lawns Austin, Inc., to provide Landscaping Maintenance Services. 4. Approval of an amendment to the final one year extension of the current Interlocal Agreement with the City of Austin for City of Austin employee transit passes 5. Appointment of Terry Mitchell as Chairperson for the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee 6. Appointment of Wade Cooper as a member of the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee