Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of nine 24-month contracts with A-PLUS ENERGY MANAGEMENT & A/C, Austin, TX; AMERICAN CONSERVATION & AIR, Austin, TX; APPLE ENERGY GROUP, LLC, Austin, TX; ATS ENGINEERING & INSPECTORS, Austin, TX; CITY CONSERVATION, Austin, TX; MCCULLOUGH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC., Austin, TX; STANDARD RENEWABLE ENERGY, Austin, TX; THE INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETY, Herndon, VA; and THE NELROD COMPANY, Fort Worth, TX for weatherization test in audit services in a combined amount not to exceed $450,000.
Funding is available from the Department of Energy (DOE) through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for the grant period of October 1, 2009 to August 31, 2011. No match is required.
Best nine qualification statements of 20 received.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
Recommended by the Electric Utility Commission and the Resource Management Commission.
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Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of six 24-month contracts with AIRTECH ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC., Austin, TX; CLIMATE MECHANICAL, INC., Austin, TX; GO GREEN SQUADS, Austin, TX; MCCULLOUGH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC., Austin, TX; VALDEZ REMODELING & WEATHERIZATION, INC., Austin, TX; and WEATHERIZATION MANAGEMENT GROUP, Dallas, TX for weatherization measures and improvement services in a combined amount not to exceed $4,825,490. Funding is available from the Department of Energy (DOE) through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for the grant period of October 1, 2009 to August 31, 2011. No match is required. Best six qualification statements of ten received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 14.00% MBE and 2.00% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Electric Utility Commission and the Resource Management Commission.
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Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of nine 24-month contracts with A-PLUS ENERGY MANAGEMENT & A/C, Austin, TX; AMERICAN CONSERVATION & AIR, Austin, TX; APPLE ENERGY GROUP, LLC, Austin, TX; ATS ENGINEERING & INSPECTORS, Austin, TX; CITY CONSERVATION, Austin, TX; MCCULLOUGH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC., Austin, TX; STANDARD RENEWABLE ENERGY, Austin, TX; THE INSTITUTE FOR BUILDING TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETY, Herndon, VA; and THE NELROD COMPANY, Fort Worth, TX for weatherization final inspection audit services in a combined amount not to exceed $250,000. Funding is available from the Department of Energy (DOE) through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 for the grant period of October 1, 2009 to August 31, 2011. No match is required.
Best nine qualification statements of 20 received.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
Recommended by the Electric Utility Commission and the Resource Management Commission.
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Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of an 18-month requirements service contract with BERNARD HODES GROUP, Charlotte, NC to provide recruiting consulting services in an estimated amount not to exceed $280,000. Additionally, the City Manager would have the authority to execute four 1 year extensions, if budgeted, for an amount not to exceed $125,000 per extension option. Funding in the amount of $93,333 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Operating Budget of the Austin Fire Department. Funding for the remaining 12 months of the original contract period will be in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Operating Budget of the Austin Fire Department. If directed by the City Manager, the Fire Department will budget funds for the extension options in future budget years. Best evaluated proposal of four proposals received.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
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Authorize award and execution of a 36-month requirements service contract with COOPER EQUIPMENT COMPANY, San Antonio, TX to provide captive repair parts, repair services, and preventative maintenance for street maintenance equipment in an estimated amount not to exceed $847,194, with three 12-month extension options in estimated amounts not to exceed $340,670 for the first extension option, $374,736 for the second extension option, and $412,210 for the third extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $1,974,810.
Funding in the amount of $106,645 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Operating Budget of the Financial and Administrative Services Department, Fleet Fund. Funding for the remaining 31 months of the original contract period and extension options is contingent upon available funding in future budgets.
Sole bid received.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
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Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of Amendment No. 1 to the requirements service contract through the State of Texas Procurement and Support Services Cooperative Purchasing Program (State of Texas CO-OP) with LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING LLC, BAYTOWN, TX, for removal and disposal of scrap tires to increase the contract amount in an estimated amount not to exceed $29,000 for a revised total estimated contract amount not to exceed $80,000.
Funding in the amount of $29,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Operating Budget of the Financial and Administrative Services Department, Fleet Services Fund.
This cooperative contract is exempt from the MBE/WBE Ordinance. This exemption is in compliance with Chapter 2-9D of the City Code (Minority –Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract.
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Authorize award and execution of a 36-month requirements supply contract with INVERNESS MEDICAL INNOVATIONS NORTH AMERICA, INC., Princeton, NJ to provide Rapid HIV Test Kits and Controls in an estimated amount not to exceed $345,600, with three 12-month extension options in estimated amounts not to exceed $135,200 for the first extension option, $145,200 for the second extension option, and $155,200 for the third extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $781,200.
Funding in the amount of $52,600 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Operating Budget of the Health and Human Services Department. Funding for the remaining 30 months of the original contract period and extension options is contingent upon available funding in future budgets.
Best-value bid of three bids received.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9D of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
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Authorize award and execution of a 12-month personal services contract with WILLIAM STEVEN COLLIER, Hackett, AR for services related to development of a strategic plan for the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in an estimated amount not to exceed $65,000, with four 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $65,000 per extension option, for a total estimated contract amount not to exceed $325,000.
Funding in the amount of $65,000 is available in the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 US Department of Homeland Security, State Homeland Security Grant Program.
Personal Services.
This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9B of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
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Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a 15-month requirements service contract with IPS GROUP INC., San Diego, CA, for the purchase of a single space parking meter system including equipment, training, installation, and a 5-year warranty in an estimated amount not to exceed $512,650, with five 12-month extension options in an estimated amount not to exceed $59,400 per extension option, for a total estimated amount not to exceed $809,650.
Funding in the amount of $453,250 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009–2010 Capital Budget of the Austin Transportation Department, Parking Enterprise Division. Funding in the amount of $59,400 is available in the Fiscal Year 2009–2010 Operating Budget of the Austin Transportation Department, Parking Enterprise Division. Funding for the extension options is contingent upon available funding in future budgets.
Sole Source. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9C of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation.
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