Authorize the negotiation and execution of a purchase agreement for the fee simple acquisition of 13.291 acres out of Lot 1, Block A, Chipman Subdivision in Travis County, Texas, located at 10900 RR 2222 from JAMES A. CHIPMAN, SR. AND MINNIE JO CHIPMAN, TRUSTEES OF THE JAMES A. CHIPMAN, SR. AND MINNIE JO CHIPMAN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED SEPT. 21, 1999 AND TOMMY JOE PULATIE for the Jollyville Water Transmission Main and the Forest Ridge Water Transmission Main Projects, in an amount not to exceed $2,240,000. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility Department.
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Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the South IH-35 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Program Project to acquire electric easements of 0.766 acre, 0.525 acre, and 0.192 acre; access easements of 0.2246 acre, and 2.092 acre; ; a waterline easement of 1.273 acres; a subterranean wastewater easement of 0.076 acre; wastewater easements of 0.230 acre and 0.438 acre; a temporary ingress and egress easement of 0.882 acre; a temporary working space and staging area and material storage site easement of 1.974 acres; and a temporary working space easement of 0.317 acre out of and a part of a called 166.598 Acre Tract or Parcel of land in the Santiago Del Valle Grant, Abstract No. 24, in Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $196,630. The owners of the needed property interests are David A. Brewer and Billie J. Figer, co-trustees, Curtis B. Figer and spouse, Billie Jo Figer, Michael G. Figer, Donald K. Figer, Betsy A. Lambeth, Keith H. Harmon and Bonnie Harmon, Trustees of the Harmon Family Trust established by Trust Agreement dated November 3, 1999, and Billie Jo Figer, individually. The property is located at 9104 Bluff Springs Road, Austin, Travis County, Texas. Funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility.
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Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the South IH-35 Water/Wastewater Program to acquire a 15,582 square foot permanent waterline easement out of the Santiago Del Valle Grant, Abstract No. 24, Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $2,254.00. The owner of the needed property interests is NAJIB WEHBE. The property is located south of Derby Downs Drive, Austin, Travis County, Texas. Funding is included in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with TEXAS STERLING CONSTRUCTION CO., San Antonio, TX for the Shoal Creek Allandale Storm Drain Improvements project for a total amount of $5,496,960.05 plus a $549,696.00 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,046,656.05. Funding in the amount of $5,602,595 is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Watershed Protection Department. Funding in the amount of $477,061 is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility.
Lowest bid of 7 bids received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) through the achievements of Good Faith Efforts with 10.72% MBE and 3.15% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of Change Order #3 to the construction contract with CENTRAL ROAD AND UTILITY, LTD., Austin, TX, (MBE/MH 45.81%) for Water Treatment Plant 4 Bullick Hollow Roadway Improvements in the amount of $36,911.26, for a total contract amount not to exceed $987,704.70. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) with 66.38% MBE and 14.52% WBE subcontractor participation to date including this change order. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with SMITH CONTRACTING COMPANY, INC., Austin, TX for the Carsonhill Water Rehabilitation Project in an amount not to exceed $324,153 plus a $16,208 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $340,361.
Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. Lowest bid of 6 bids received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 8.30% MBE and 2.13% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with SANTA CLARA CONSTRUCTION, LTD. (MBE/MH 84.99%), Austin, TX for the North Austin Wastewater Overflow Abatement Project in the amount of $843,740 plus a $42,187 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $885,927. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. Lowest bid of 7 bids received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 84.99% MBE prime participation and 3.95% MBE and 4.15% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with TEXAS ROOFING COMPANY, L.P., Round Rock, TX for Spicewood Springs Pump Station Re-roof, AC Replacement and Ventilation Improvements in an amount not to exceed $193,600. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. Lowest bid of 4 bids received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 12.81% MBE and 4.85% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with MAC INC., Austin, TX for the Ullrich Basin Structural Repairs Project in an amount not to exceed $189,000. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. Lowest bid of 4 bids received. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Program) through achievements of Good Faith Efforts with 0.80% MBE and 1.29% WBE subcontractor participation. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize execution of a construction contract with L.D. TEBBEN CO. INC., Austin, TX, through the Local Government Purchasing Cooperative for the Ullrich Water Treatment Plant Roof Improvements 2010 project in the amount of $680,926 plus a $34,000 contingency, for a total contract amount not to exceed $714,926. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of Austin Water Utility. Cooperative Purchase through the LOCAL PURCHASING COOPORATIVE BUY BOARD. L.D. Tebben Co. Inc. is an approved vendor/contractor through the competitive procurement process authorized by Texas Statute, Local Government Code, Chapter 271, Subchapter F. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). This contract is a Cooperative Purchase; therefore, it is exempted under Chapter 791 of the Texas Local Government Code and no goals were established for this solicitation, however, 10.65% MBE and 6.21% WBE subcontractor participation has been met.
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Authorize execution of Change Order #4 to the construction contract with CASH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC., Pflugerville, Texas for the Lady Bird Lake / East 4th Street Storm Drain Improvements project in the amount of $700,521.50 for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,789,757.10. Funding in the amount of $460,861.50 is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital budget of the Austin Water Utility. Funding in the amount of $239,660 is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Watershed Protection Department. This contract will be awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9A of the City Code (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) with 5.45% MBE and 1.73% WBE subcontractor participation to date including this change order. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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Authorize negotiation and execution of Supplemental Amendment #1 to the Professional Services Agreement with BURY + PARTNERS, INC., Austin, TX for engineering services for the South IH-35 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Program, Segment 1, IH-35 from Slaughter Lane to Slaughter Creek, 36-Inch Water Main in the amount of $42,947.50, for a total contract amount not to exceed $83,009.45. Funding is available in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Capital Budget of the Austin Water Utility. The original contract was awarded in compliance with Chapter 2-9B of the City Code (Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program). This contract was originally awarded through Administrative Authority; therefore was exempt from establishing MBE and WBE goals and no subcontracting opportunities were identified. Recommended by the Water and Wastewater Commission.
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