9:55 AM – Invocation Rev. Tony Roebuck, Unity in the Heart of Austin 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent Agenda Items #1 - 76 Pulled: 2, 8, 16, 18, 20 - 22, 25, 26, 29, 33, 35, 39, 50, 54, 56 - 59, & 67 - 70
25. Authorize the negotiation and execution of a contract with SICKLE CELL ANEMIA ASSOCIATION OF AUSTIN, MARC THOMAS CHAPTER, to provide services to clients with sickle cell disease, their families, and at-risk populations, for a 12-month term beginning October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $139,364, with three 12-month renewal options, each in an amount not to exceed $139,364, for a total contract amount not to exceed $557,456. 26. Authorize the negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 6 to the Austin Shelter for Women and Children Agreement with THE SALVATION ARMY, INC. to add two additional twelve-month renewal options beginning October 1, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $1,686,715 per renewal option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $11,646,776.
56. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of computer, telephone, and network hardware and related maintenance in an amount not to exceed $36,857,255. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract. ) 57. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of technology services in an amount not to exceed $38,642,523. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract. ) 58. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of computer software, software maintenance, and software support in an amount not to exceed $22,374,665. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract.. ) 59. Authorize negotiation and execution of a 36-month contract, through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES, with SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC for Microsoft Office 365 for all City departments in an amount not to exceed $17,594,810. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Authorize the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN and the City of Austin, to provide special events services on an as-needed basis.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a 60-month contract with TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS for licenses, maintenance, and support of the emergency services dispatch software and interface system in an amount not to exceed $8,604,207, with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $1,951,492 for the first extension option and $2,033,721 for the second extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $12,589,420.
Approve a resolution adopting the Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau 2015-2016 marketing plan and proposed budget of $17,013,633, setting the contract payment in an amount not to exceed $14,473,733, and authorizing the City Manager to file the approved documents with the City Clerk's Office as required by the Texas Tax Code.
Approve execution of an amendment to an interlocal agreement with TRAVIS COUNTY to add an additional one year term for the continuation of the intervention pilot program for juvenile Class C cases, in an amount not to exceed $98,454.
Authorize execution of Change Order No. 2 to a construction contract with S.J. LOUIS CONSTRUCTION OF TEXAS, LTD., for the East 5th Street Chilled Water Piping Extension from San Jacinto to Red River Phase II Project in the amount of $1,500,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,277,031.80.
Approve the Historic Cemeteries Master Plan, which includes recommendations for Oakwood Cemetery (District 1), Oakwood Cemetery Annex (District 1), Plummers Cemetery (District 1), Evergreen Cemetery (District 1), and Austin Memorial Park Cemetery. (District 7)
Citizen Communications: General George Wortell - Taxes Paul Robbins - City and Budget issues. Andrew Brown - Data security. Possible new commission/ committee/ agency.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the interlocal agreement with Travis County to exercise the second of four renewal options, and to update the cost model and work statement, under which the City will provide certain animal services to Travis County, in exchange for payment of $1,445,691, for a 12-month period beginning October 1, 2015.
Approve an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., that will modify the payment schedule and acceptance criteria for the design and construction of water mains, in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000, and waiving City Code Section 25-9-66 (Cost Participation Payment).
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 in an amount not to exceed $6,365,587, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute such contracts, and further authorizing payment in the amount of $60,000 for Zachary Scott Theatre Center maintenance under a separate current operations agreement.
21. Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of federal representative services contracts for a total combined amount not to exceed $270,000. 22. Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of state legislative representative services contracts for a total combined amount not to exceed $860,000.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a 60-month lease renewal agreement with SIXTH WEST OF 723, L.C. to provide approximately 4,900 square feet of office space, located at 719 and 721 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas, for the Downtown Austin Community Court, in an amount not to exceed $729,193.88 for the renewal term (District 9).
82. C14-2014-0186 - Hopper-Finley Tract - District 7 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 2500 South Heatherwilde Boulevard (Harris Branch Watershed) from development reserve (DR) district zoning to single family residence-small lot (SF-4A) district zoning for Tract 1, multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Staff Recommendation: To grant single family residence-small lot (SF-4A) district zoning for Tract 1, multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant single family residence-small lot-conditional overlay (SF-4A-CO) combining district zoning for Tract 1, multi-family residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Owner/Applicant: Finley Company (Tim Finley). Agent: Jones and Carter, Inc. (Gemsong Ryan, P.E.). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. 84. C14H-2010-0006 - Castle Hill Historic District - District 9 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010930-038 establishing the Castle Hill Historic District to modify the Castle Hill Historic District Design Standards for property locally known as 614 Blanco Street. Staff Recommendation: To modify the Design Standards as proposed. Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation: To modify the Design Standards as proposed. Planning Commission Recommendation: No recommendation - no quorum vote. Applicant: City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department. City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, Planning and Zoning Department: 512-974-6454.
Approve a resolution relieving the Task Force on Community Engagement of strict compliance with the Open Meetings Act, while requiring it to conduct its meetings openly, and providing a deadline for its report.
Proclamations Betty Himmelblau Memorial - To be presented by Mayor Adler and Council Member Gallo and to be accepted by Ms. Himmelblau's children and their spouses
Dyslexia Awareness Month - To be presented by Mayor Adler and to be accepted by Heather Hardeman
Welcoming Week - Peace Day Austin 2015 - To be presented by Mayor Pro Tem Tovo and to be accepted by TBA
Take a Loved One for a Checkup Day - To be presented by Council Member Houston and to be accepted by Adrian Sturrup
Eastside Memorial High School Academic Achievement Day - To be presented by Council Member Renteria and to be accepted by Bryan Miller
Purple Heart Trail - To be presented by Mayor Adler and to be accepted by Scott C. Garrett
Conduct a public hearing on the proposed property (ad valorem) tax rate for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Approve an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., that will modify the payment schedule and acceptance criteria for the design and construction of water mains, in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000, and waiving City Code Section 25-9-66 (Cost Participation Payment).
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate a code amendment related to the requirements of Multifamily Residence Highest Density (MF-6) district zoning.
Approve an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to release seventeen lots served by the Travis Vista Water and Sewer Supply Corporation from paying the City's Waste Water impact fees.
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 19, Block "B," of Onion Creek Plantations Section One, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 64, Page 50, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, being the same property mistakenly conveyed as Lot 19, Block "E" in Volume 11545, Page 740, of the Real Property Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $24,000. The owner of the needed property interests is Stephen D. Zerschausky, Jr. The property is a vacant lot, located entirely in District 2, at 6108 Orleans Drive, Austin, Texas 78744-6610. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas. (District 2).
C14-2015-0080 - 11200 N. Ranch Road 620 - District 6 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 11200 North FM 620 Road (Lake Travis and Bull Creek Watersheds) from development reserve (DR) district zoning and community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Staff recommendation: To grant community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning. Owner: Robinson Investments (Blake Robinson). Applicant/Agent: Lenworth Consulting, LLC (Nash Gonzales). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance regarding floodplain variances for the construction of a new single family residence at 6109 Oakclaire Drive, which is located partially in the 25-year and 100-year floodplains of the Gaines Creek, a tributary of Barton Creek (District 8).
Discussion and possible action on a resolution regarding the procurement of solar generation. (SPONSORS: Council Member Delia Garza, Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, Council Member Gregorio Casar, Council Member Leslie Pool & Council Member Ann Kitchen).
Conduct a public hearing and consider an appeal by Libby Bernhard, representing the adjacent property owners and residents, regarding the Planning Commission’s approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) to grant the use of “transportation terminal” to the property at 1500 San Jacinto (District 1).
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-1 and Ordinance No. 20070621-027 relating to parkland dedication requirements and associated fees imposed as a condition to development approval.
68. Approve a resolution providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the City Auditor on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler ) 69. Approve a resolution providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the City Manager on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler ) 70. Approve an ordinance providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the Acting Municipal Court Clerk on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler )
9:55 AM – Invocation Rev. Tony Roebuck, Unity in the Heart of Austin 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent Agenda Items #1 - 76 Pulled: 2, 8, 16, 18, 20 - 22, 25, 26, 29, 33, 35, 39, 50, 54, 56 - 59, & 67 - 70
25. Authorize the negotiation and execution of a contract with SICKLE CELL ANEMIA ASSOCIATION OF AUSTIN, MARC THOMAS CHAPTER, to provide services to clients with sickle cell disease, their families, and at-risk populations, for a 12-month term beginning October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016, in an amount not to exceed $139,364, with three 12-month renewal options, each in an amount not to exceed $139,364, for a total contract amount not to exceed $557,456. 26. Authorize the negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 6 to the Austin Shelter for Women and Children Agreement with THE SALVATION ARMY, INC. to add two additional twelve-month renewal options beginning October 1, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $1,686,715 per renewal option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $11,646,776.
56. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of computer, telephone, and network hardware and related maintenance in an amount not to exceed $36,857,255. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract. ) 57. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of technology services in an amount not to exceed $38,642,523. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract. ) 58. Authorize negotiation and execution of various cooperative contracts during Fiscal Year 2015-2016 through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES cooperative purchasing program for the purchase of computer software, software maintenance, and software support in an amount not to exceed $22,374,665. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9D Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore no goals were established for this contract.. ) 59. Authorize negotiation and execution of a 36-month contract, through the STATE OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES, with SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC for Microsoft Office 365 for all City departments in an amount not to exceed $17,594,810. ( Notes: This cooperative contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Authorize the negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN and the City of Austin, to provide special events services on an as-needed basis.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a 60-month contract with TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS for licenses, maintenance, and support of the emergency services dispatch software and interface system in an amount not to exceed $8,604,207, with two 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $1,951,492 for the first extension option and $2,033,721 for the second extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $12,589,420.
Approve a resolution adopting the Austin Convention and Visitors Bureau 2015-2016 marketing plan and proposed budget of $17,013,633, setting the contract payment in an amount not to exceed $14,473,733, and authorizing the City Manager to file the approved documents with the City Clerk's Office as required by the Texas Tax Code.
Approve execution of an amendment to an interlocal agreement with TRAVIS COUNTY to add an additional one year term for the continuation of the intervention pilot program for juvenile Class C cases, in an amount not to exceed $98,454.
Authorize execution of Change Order No. 2 to a construction contract with S.J. LOUIS CONSTRUCTION OF TEXAS, LTD., for the East 5th Street Chilled Water Piping Extension from San Jacinto to Red River Phase II Project in the amount of $1,500,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $6,277,031.80.
Approve the Historic Cemeteries Master Plan, which includes recommendations for Oakwood Cemetery (District 1), Oakwood Cemetery Annex (District 1), Plummers Cemetery (District 1), Evergreen Cemetery (District 1), and Austin Memorial Park Cemetery. (District 7)
Citizen Communications: General George Wortell - Taxes Paul Robbins - City and Budget issues. Andrew Brown - Data security. Possible new commission/ committee/ agency.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an amendment to the interlocal agreement with Travis County to exercise the second of four renewal options, and to update the cost model and work statement, under which the City will provide certain animal services to Travis County, in exchange for payment of $1,445,691, for a 12-month period beginning October 1, 2015.
Approve an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., that will modify the payment schedule and acceptance criteria for the design and construction of water mains, in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000, and waiving City Code Section 25-9-66 (Cost Participation Payment).
Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to award cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 in an amount not to exceed $6,365,587, authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute such contracts, and further authorizing payment in the amount of $60,000 for Zachary Scott Theatre Center maintenance under a separate current operations agreement.
21. Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of federal representative services contracts for a total combined amount not to exceed $270,000. 22. Approve a resolution authorizing negotiation and execution of state legislative representative services contracts for a total combined amount not to exceed $860,000.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a 60-month lease renewal agreement with SIXTH WEST OF 723, L.C. to provide approximately 4,900 square feet of office space, located at 719 and 721 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas, for the Downtown Austin Community Court, in an amount not to exceed $729,193.88 for the renewal term (District 9).
82. C14-2014-0186 - Hopper-Finley Tract - District 7 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 2500 South Heatherwilde Boulevard (Harris Branch Watershed) from development reserve (DR) district zoning to single family residence-small lot (SF-4A) district zoning for Tract 1, multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Staff Recommendation: To grant single family residence-small lot (SF-4A) district zoning for Tract 1, multifamily residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant single family residence-small lot-conditional overlay (SF-4A-CO) combining district zoning for Tract 1, multi-family residence-moderate-high density (MF-4) district zoning for Tract 2 and community commercial (GR) district zoning for Tract 3. Owner/Applicant: Finley Company (Tim Finley). Agent: Jones and Carter, Inc. (Gemsong Ryan, P.E.). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. 84. C14H-2010-0006 - Castle Hill Historic District - District 9 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010930-038 establishing the Castle Hill Historic District to modify the Castle Hill Historic District Design Standards for property locally known as 614 Blanco Street. Staff Recommendation: To modify the Design Standards as proposed. Historic Landmark Commission Recommendation: To modify the Design Standards as proposed. Planning Commission Recommendation: No recommendation - no quorum vote. Applicant: City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department. City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, Planning and Zoning Department: 512-974-6454.
Approve a resolution relieving the Task Force on Community Engagement of strict compliance with the Open Meetings Act, while requiring it to conduct its meetings openly, and providing a deadline for its report.
Proclamations Betty Himmelblau Memorial - To be presented by Mayor Adler and Council Member Gallo and to be accepted by Ms. Himmelblau's children and their spouses
Dyslexia Awareness Month - To be presented by Mayor Adler and to be accepted by Heather Hardeman
Welcoming Week - Peace Day Austin 2015 - To be presented by Mayor Pro Tem Tovo and to be accepted by TBA
Take a Loved One for a Checkup Day - To be presented by Council Member Houston and to be accepted by Adrian Sturrup
Eastside Memorial High School Academic Achievement Day - To be presented by Council Member Renteria and to be accepted by Bryan Miller
Purple Heart Trail - To be presented by Mayor Adler and to be accepted by Scott C. Garrett
Conduct a public hearing on the proposed property (ad valorem) tax rate for Fiscal Year 2015-2016.
Approve an ordinance authorizing negotiation and execution of an amended water cost reimbursement agreement with CLUB DEAL 120 WHISPER VALLEY, L.P., and CLUB DEAL 116 INDIAN HILLS TX, L.P., that will modify the payment schedule and acceptance criteria for the design and construction of water mains, in an amount not to exceed $21,200,000, and waiving City Code Section 25-9-66 (Cost Participation Payment).
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate a code amendment related to the requirements of Multifamily Residence Highest Density (MF-6) district zoning.
Approve an ordinance authorizing the City Manager to release seventeen lots served by the Travis Vista Water and Sewer Supply Corporation from paying the City's Waste Water impact fees.
Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 19, Block "B," of Onion Creek Plantations Section One, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 64, Page 50, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, being the same property mistakenly conveyed as Lot 19, Block "E" in Volume 11545, Page 740, of the Real Property Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $24,000. The owner of the needed property interests is Stephen D. Zerschausky, Jr. The property is a vacant lot, located entirely in District 2, at 6108 Orleans Drive, Austin, Texas 78744-6610. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas. (District 2).
C14-2015-0080 - 11200 N. Ranch Road 620 - District 6 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Chapter 25-2 of the Austin City Code by rezoning property locally known as 11200 North FM 620 Road (Lake Travis and Bull Creek Watersheds) from development reserve (DR) district zoning and community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning to general commercial services (CS) district zoning. Staff recommendation: To grant community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant community commercial-conditional overlay (GR-CO) combining district zoning. Owner: Robinson Investments (Blake Robinson). Applicant/Agent: Lenworth Consulting, LLC (Nash Gonzales). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance regarding floodplain variances for the construction of a new single family residence at 6109 Oakclaire Drive, which is located partially in the 25-year and 100-year floodplains of the Gaines Creek, a tributary of Barton Creek (District 8).
Discussion and possible action on a resolution regarding the procurement of solar generation. (SPONSORS: Council Member Delia Garza, Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, Council Member Gregorio Casar, Council Member Leslie Pool & Council Member Ann Kitchen).
Conduct a public hearing and consider an appeal by Libby Bernhard, representing the adjacent property owners and residents, regarding the Planning Commission’s approval of a conditional use permit (CUP) to grant the use of “transportation terminal” to the property at 1500 San Jacinto (District 1).
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-1 and Ordinance No. 20070621-027 relating to parkland dedication requirements and associated fees imposed as a condition to development approval.
68. Approve a resolution providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the City Auditor on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler ) 69. Approve a resolution providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the City Manager on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler ) 70. Approve an ordinance providing a 3.0% base pay increase to the compensation of the Acting Municipal Court Clerk on the same terms as the base pay increase provided to non-sworn employees in the City’s Fiscal Year 2015-2016 budget. ( Notes: SPONSOR - Mayor Steve Adler )