9:55 AM – Invocation Krishna Gobburu, Austin Hindu Temple 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1-3, 5-7, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19-21, 23-31, 33, 36, 37, 39-41, 43, 46-51, 53, 54, 56-61, 63-73 Pulled Items: 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 32, 34, 35, 38, 52, 55, 62 Postponed Items: 11, 44, 45
Approve third reading of an ordinance adopting and authorizing execution of an Impervious Cover Transfer Agreement associated with a 5.92 acre property located at 6308 Spicewood Springs Road known as Ace Salvage Yard and Ace Discount Glass (District 10).
Consent: 1-3, 5-7, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19-21, 23-31, 33, 36, 37, 39-41, 43, 46-51, 53, 54, 56-61, 63-73 Pulled Items: 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 32, 34, 35, 38, 42, 52, 55, 62 Postponed Items: 11, 44, 45
Approve a co-development agreement with the Rocky Mountain Institute to conduct a multi-year “Mobility Transformation” program, which focuses on approaches for transforming personal mobility.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operating Budget of Austin Resource Recovery (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase transfers out by $2,792,001 and amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Austin Resource Recovery Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20150908-002) to transfer in and appropriate $2,792,001 from the Austin Resource Recovery Operating Budget for facility development and construction. Related to item #38.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with the following 12 staff recommended firms (or other qualified responders) to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No. CLMP180, AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., FREESE & NICHOLS, INC., HDR ENGINEERING, INC., CHAN & PARTNERS ENGINEERING, LLC (MBE), HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC., S&B INFRASTRUCTURE, LTD., BROWN & GAY ENGINEERS, INC., PARSONS WATER & INFRASTRUCTURE INC., WALKER PARTNERS, LLC, ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC., dba RPS, CAS CONSULTING & SERVICES, INC. (MBE), JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC., for engineering services for the 2016 Large Scale General Civil Engineering Services Rotation List for an estimated period of two years or until financial authorization is expended, with the total amount not to exceed $9,600,000 divided among the 12 firms. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 15.80% MBE and 15.80% WBE sub-consultant participation. )
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with DEMATTEI WONG ARCHITECTURE, INC., (staff recommendation) or one of the other qualified responders to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No CLMP182 to provide architectural services for the Austin Bergstrom International Airport Parking Garage and Administration Building in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 21.50% MBE and 16.50% WBE participation. )
Approve a resolution regarding the renaming of the Austin Tennis Center, located at 7800 Johnny Morris Road.
12:00 PM - Citizen Communications: General Richard Boland - Austin Police participation in federal task forces. Zolla Vega - Keep current coyote management policy & contract. Skylar Buffington - TBD
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with DEMATTEI WONG ARCHITECTURE, INC., (staff recommendation) or one of the other qualified responders to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No CLMP182 to provide architectural services for the Austin Bergstrom International Airport Parking Garage and Administration Building in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 21.50% MBE and 16.50% WBE participation. )
Approve a resolution to nominate Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. for designation by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism as a single Texas Enterprise Project in accordance with Chapter 2303 of the Texas Government Code.
Authorize the negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 2 to the interlocal agreement with AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT for case management services for an additional 12-month term in an amount not to exceed $100,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $257,000.
Authorize execution of Amendment No. 4 to the contract with AMERICAN EXPRESS for credit card acceptance services to add a 36-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $800,000, a 24-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $1,050,000, and an additional 24-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $1,850,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $4,298,344. ( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 9 to an interlocal agreement with the University of North Texas for a native vegetation restoration project to be conducted in Lake Austin and Lady Bird Lake in an estimated amount not to exceed $150,000 over three years, for a revised estimated contract amount not to exceed $795,000.
Authorize execution of a 12-month extension of the contract with REPUBLIC SERVICES INC. for the management and disposal of industrial Class 2 non-hazardous waste in an amount not to exceed $264,820, for a total contract amount not to exceed $794,460. ( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Authorize negotiation and execution of two 24-month contracts with PRO SERV INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, LLC and THIELSCH ENGINEERING, INC., to provide power plant and chiller maintenance services, in an amount not to exceed $5,400,000 each and combined, with two 24-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $5,400,000 each and combined per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $16,200,000 each and combined. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 2.00% MBE and 1.75% WBE participation; and 1.87% MBE and 1.64% WBE participation, respectively. )
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to clarify the physical boundaries of the Town Lake Community Event Center Venue project.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Fee Schedule (Ordinance No. 20150908-003) to allow all City residents 80 years or older to use City swimming pools for free.
81. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 22, Block K, of Onion Creek Forest Section 2, Amended Plat, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 68, Page 54, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $160,000. The owners of the needed property interests are Jose Cruz Chavez a/k/a Jose Chavez a/k/a Joe Chavez and Maria Chavez a/k/a Mary Elizabeth Chavez. The property is located entirely in District 2, at 6901 Thornwood Court, Austin, Texas 78744-5835. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas (District 2). 82. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 22, Block "C", of Onion Creek Plantations Section One, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 64, Page 50, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $139,000. The owners of the needed property interests are Daniel R. Gonzales and Natalie H. Gonzales. The property is located entirely in District 2, at 7211 Lake Charles Drive, Austin, Texas 78744-6607. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas (District 2).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with OXFORD ADVISORS, LLC for independent consumer advocate services for residential and small commercial electric utility customers, in an amount not to exceed $200,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation. )
79. Approve amendments to administrative rules related to City Code Chapter 15-6 (Solid Waste Service) relating to recycling and reuse of materials generated by construction and demolition projects. Related to item #98. 98. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Titles 15 and 25 regarding recycling and reuse of materials generated by certain construction and demolition projects. Related to item #79.
C814-2012-0152 - Pilot Knob Planned Unit Development - District 2 - Approve second reading of an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by zoning property locally known as east and southeast of the intersection of East William Cannon Drive and McKinney Falls Parkway, and west of South U.S. Highway 183 and FM 1625 (Cottonmouth Creek Watershed; North Fork Creek Watershed; South Fork Creek Watershed) from interim-rural residence (I-RR) district zoning and interim-single family residence-standard lot (SF-4A) district zoning to planned unit development (PUD) district zoning. First Reading approved on October 8, 2015. Vote: 10-0, Council Member Pool was off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Carma Easton, Inc. (Logan Kimble). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, L.L.P. (Lynn Ann Carley). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719.
C14-2015-0061 - Townbridge Homes Rezoning - District 2 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 7513 and 7603 Cooper Lane South Boggy Creek Watershed) from development reserve (DR) district zoning and single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence (SF-6) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Townbridge Homes, LLC (Aaron Levy). Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower). Agent: City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by 6725 Urban Oaks Partnership, LP, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road (District 2).
34. Approve a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by 6725 Urban Oaks Partnership, LP, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road. (District 2). 35. Approve a resolution consenting to the issuance by Austin Affordable PFC, Inc., an affiliate of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin, of $20,000,000 in Multi-family Private Housing Revenue Bonds to finance, in part, a proposed multi-family rental development to be known as the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by NRP Group, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Terrace at Walnut Creek Apartments, located in the Austin Extraterritorial Jurisdiction at Old Manor Road and U.S. Highway 290 East.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 related to planned unit development density bonuses.
93. Conduct a public hearing regarding Homestead Preservation District B in southeast Austin bounded generally by Interstate 35 and Parker Lane to the west, the Colorado River to the north, Bastrop Highway to the east, and Highway 71 to the South. Related items #94 and #95. 94. Conduct a public hearing regarding establishing Homestead Preservation District C in east Austin and generally located north of the Colorado River, east of Springdale Road and Airport Boulevard, continuing east just beyond Ed Bluestein Boulevard, and extending to the north until Oak Springs Drive. Related to items #93 and #95. 95. Conduct a public hearing regarding Homestead Preservation District D in north Austin located near the intersection of Interstate 35 and East Anderson Lane. Related to items #93 and #94.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by The Mulholland Group, LLC, and its affiliates, for the Cross Creek Apartments, located at 1124 Rutland Drive. (District 4)
79. Approve amendments to administrative rules related to City Code Chapter 15-6 (Solid Waste Service) relating to recycling and reuse of materials generated by construction and demolition projects. Related to item #98. 98. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Titles 15 and 25 regarding recycling and reuse of materials generated by certain construction and demolition projects. Related to item #79.
9:55 AM – Invocation Krishna Gobburu, Austin Hindu Temple 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1-3, 5-7, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19-21, 23-31, 33, 36, 37, 39-41, 43, 46-51, 53, 54, 56-61, 63-73 Pulled Items: 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 32, 34, 35, 38, 52, 55, 62 Postponed Items: 11, 44, 45
Approve third reading of an ordinance adopting and authorizing execution of an Impervious Cover Transfer Agreement associated with a 5.92 acre property located at 6308 Spicewood Springs Road known as Ace Salvage Yard and Ace Discount Glass (District 10).
Consent: 1-3, 5-7, 10, 12-14, 16, 17, 19-21, 23-31, 33, 36, 37, 39-41, 43, 46-51, 53, 54, 56-61, 63-73 Pulled Items: 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 22, 32, 34, 35, 38, 42, 52, 55, 62 Postponed Items: 11, 44, 45
Approve a co-development agreement with the Rocky Mountain Institute to conduct a multi-year “Mobility Transformation” program, which focuses on approaches for transforming personal mobility.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Operating Budget of Austin Resource Recovery (Ordinance No. 20150908-001) to increase transfers out by $2,792,001 and amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Austin Resource Recovery Capital Budget (Ordinance No. 20150908-002) to transfer in and appropriate $2,792,001 from the Austin Resource Recovery Operating Budget for facility development and construction. Related to item #38.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with the following 12 staff recommended firms (or other qualified responders) to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No. CLMP180, AECOM TECHNICAL SERVICES, INC., FREESE & NICHOLS, INC., HDR ENGINEERING, INC., CHAN & PARTNERS ENGINEERING, LLC (MBE), HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC., S&B INFRASTRUCTURE, LTD., BROWN & GAY ENGINEERS, INC., PARSONS WATER & INFRASTRUCTURE INC., WALKER PARTNERS, LLC, ESPEY CONSULTANTS, INC., dba RPS, CAS CONSULTING & SERVICES, INC. (MBE), JACOBS ENGINEERING GROUP INC., for engineering services for the 2016 Large Scale General Civil Engineering Services Rotation List for an estimated period of two years or until financial authorization is expended, with the total amount not to exceed $9,600,000 divided among the 12 firms. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B (Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program) by meeting the goals with 15.80% MBE and 15.80% WBE sub-consultant participation. )
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with DEMATTEI WONG ARCHITECTURE, INC., (staff recommendation) or one of the other qualified responders to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No CLMP182 to provide architectural services for the Austin Bergstrom International Airport Parking Garage and Administration Building in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 21.50% MBE and 16.50% WBE participation. )
Approve a resolution regarding the renaming of the Austin Tennis Center, located at 7800 Johnny Morris Road.
12:00 PM - Citizen Communications: General Richard Boland - Austin Police participation in federal task forces. Zolla Vega - Keep current coyote management policy & contract. Skylar Buffington - TBD
Authorize negotiation and execution of a professional services agreement with DEMATTEI WONG ARCHITECTURE, INC., (staff recommendation) or one of the other qualified responders to Request For Qualifications Solicitation No CLMP182 to provide architectural services for the Austin Bergstrom International Airport Parking Garage and Administration Building in an amount not to exceed $13,000,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9B Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 21.50% MBE and 16.50% WBE participation. )
Approve a resolution to nominate Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. for designation by the Governor’s Office of Economic Development and Tourism as a single Texas Enterprise Project in accordance with Chapter 2303 of the Texas Government Code.
Authorize the negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 2 to the interlocal agreement with AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT for case management services for an additional 12-month term in an amount not to exceed $100,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $257,000.
Authorize execution of Amendment No. 4 to the contract with AMERICAN EXPRESS for credit card acceptance services to add a 36-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $800,000, a 24-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $1,050,000, and an additional 24-month extension option in an amount not to exceed $1,850,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $4,298,344. ( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 9 to an interlocal agreement with the University of North Texas for a native vegetation restoration project to be conducted in Lake Austin and Lady Bird Lake in an estimated amount not to exceed $150,000 over three years, for a revised estimated contract amount not to exceed $795,000.
Authorize execution of a 12-month extension of the contract with REPUBLIC SERVICES INC. for the management and disposal of industrial Class 2 non-hazardous waste in an amount not to exceed $264,820, for a total contract amount not to exceed $794,460. ( Notes: This contract was awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this contract. )
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Authorize negotiation and execution of two 24-month contracts with PRO SERV INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS, LLC and THIELSCH ENGINEERING, INC., to provide power plant and chiller maintenance services, in an amount not to exceed $5,400,000 each and combined, with two 24-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $5,400,000 each and combined per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $16,200,000 each and combined. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program by meeting the goals with 2.00% MBE and 1.75% WBE participation; and 1.87% MBE and 1.64% WBE participation, respectively. )
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to clarify the physical boundaries of the Town Lake Community Event Center Venue project.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Fee Schedule (Ordinance No. 20150908-003) to allow all City residents 80 years or older to use City swimming pools for free.
81. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 22, Block K, of Onion Creek Forest Section 2, Amended Plat, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 68, Page 54, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $160,000. The owners of the needed property interests are Jose Cruz Chavez a/k/a Jose Chavez a/k/a Joe Chavez and Maria Chavez a/k/a Mary Elizabeth Chavez. The property is located entirely in District 2, at 6901 Thornwood Court, Austin, Texas 78744-5835. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas (District 2). 82. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the Onion Creek Floodplain Buyout Program Project for the fee simple acquisition of Lot 22, Block "C", of Onion Creek Plantations Section One, a subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the map or plat of record in Volume 64, Page 50, of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $139,000. The owners of the needed property interests are Daniel R. Gonzales and Natalie H. Gonzales. The property is located entirely in District 2, at 7211 Lake Charles Drive, Austin, Texas 78744-6607. The general route covered by this project includes the area along Lower Onion Creek, in the Onion Creek Forest, Onion Creek Plantation and Yarrabee Bend neighborhoods, near the intersection of South Pleasant Valley Road and East William Cannon Drive, in Austin, Travis County, Texas (District 2).
Approve an ordinance on third reading to amend City Code Title 25 relating to secondary dwelling units. (THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS HELD AND CLOSED ON JUNE 18, 2015).
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with OXFORD ADVISORS, LLC for independent consumer advocate services for residential and small commercial electric utility customers, in an amount not to exceed $200,000. ( Notes: This contract will be awarded in compliance with City Code Chapter 2-C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. No subcontracting opportunities were identified; therefore, no goals were established for this solicitation. )
79. Approve amendments to administrative rules related to City Code Chapter 15-6 (Solid Waste Service) relating to recycling and reuse of materials generated by construction and demolition projects. Related to item #98. 98. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Titles 15 and 25 regarding recycling and reuse of materials generated by certain construction and demolition projects. Related to item #79.
C814-2012-0152 - Pilot Knob Planned Unit Development - District 2 - Approve second reading of an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by zoning property locally known as east and southeast of the intersection of East William Cannon Drive and McKinney Falls Parkway, and west of South U.S. Highway 183 and FM 1625 (Cottonmouth Creek Watershed; North Fork Creek Watershed; South Fork Creek Watershed) from interim-rural residence (I-RR) district zoning and interim-single family residence-standard lot (SF-4A) district zoning to planned unit development (PUD) district zoning. First Reading approved on October 8, 2015. Vote: 10-0, Council Member Pool was off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Carma Easton, Inc. (Logan Kimble). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, L.L.P. (Lynn Ann Carley). City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719.
C14-2015-0061 - Townbridge Homes Rezoning - District 2 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 7513 and 7603 Cooper Lane South Boggy Creek Watershed) from development reserve (DR) district zoning and single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to townhouse and condominium residence (SF-6) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant townhouse and condominium residence-conditional overlay (SF-6-CO) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Townbridge Homes, LLC (Aaron Levy). Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower). Agent: City Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by 6725 Urban Oaks Partnership, LP, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road (District 2).
34. Approve a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by 6725 Urban Oaks Partnership, LP, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road. (District 2). 35. Approve a resolution consenting to the issuance by Austin Affordable PFC, Inc., an affiliate of the Housing Authority of the City of Austin, of $20,000,000 in Multi-family Private Housing Revenue Bonds to finance, in part, a proposed multi-family rental development to be known as the Urban Oaks Apartments, located at 6725 Circle S Road.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by NRP Group, or an affiliated entity, for a proposed affordable multi-family development to be called the Terrace at Walnut Creek Apartments, located in the Austin Extraterritorial Jurisdiction at Old Manor Road and U.S. Highway 290 East.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 related to planned unit development density bonuses.
93. Conduct a public hearing regarding Homestead Preservation District B in southeast Austin bounded generally by Interstate 35 and Parker Lane to the west, the Colorado River to the north, Bastrop Highway to the east, and Highway 71 to the South. Related items #94 and #95. 94. Conduct a public hearing regarding establishing Homestead Preservation District C in east Austin and generally located north of the Colorado River, east of Springdale Road and Airport Boulevard, continuing east just beyond Ed Bluestein Boulevard, and extending to the north until Oak Springs Drive. Related to items #93 and #95. 95. Conduct a public hearing regarding Homestead Preservation District D in north Austin located near the intersection of Interstate 35 and East Anderson Lane. Related to items #93 and #94.
Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution supporting an application to be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs by The Mulholland Group, LLC, and its affiliates, for the Cross Creek Apartments, located at 1124 Rutland Drive. (District 4)
79. Approve amendments to administrative rules related to City Code Chapter 15-6 (Solid Waste Service) relating to recycling and reuse of materials generated by construction and demolition projects. Related to item #98. 98. Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending City Code Titles 15 and 25 regarding recycling and reuse of materials generated by certain construction and demolition projects. Related to item #79.