9:55 AM – Invocation Pastor Bob Bolender, Austin Bible Church 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1,3-10, 13-23, 25, 28 & 29, 31-38, 40-51 Pulled: 2, 11, 12, 24, 30 Postponed: 26 & 27 Withdrawn: 39
24. Approve second and third reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 960613-J and authorizing execution of the first amendment to a settlement agreement relating to the development of property located at 6409 City Park Road (Champion Tract). (Related to Item 53) 53. C14-2015-0160 - Champions Tract #3 - District 10 - Conduct a public hearing and approve third reading of an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 6409 City Park Road (West Bull Creek Watershed) from general office-conditional overlay (GOCO) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-moderate-high density-conditional overlay (MF-4-CO) combining district zoning. First Reading approved on June 23, 2016. Vote: 11-0. Second Reading approved on September 22, 2016. Vote: 9-0, Council Member Pool abstained; Council Member Troxclair was off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Champion Assets LTD & Champion Legacy Partners LP (Josie Ellen Champion, Alma Juanita Champion Meier, Margaret Jo Roberson Duff). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard Suttle). City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, 512-974-3207. (Related to Item 24)
Item(s) Referred from Council Committee(s) Audit and Finance Committee Approve the City Auditor’s Fiscal Year 2017 Audit Plan. ( Notes: Auditor's Office )
Animal Services Office Authorize negotiation and execution of a one-year interlocal agreement with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Services – Wildlife Services to provide assistance and response for coyotes within the City of Austin in accordance with the City of Austin’s coyote management policy.
City Clerk Approve an ordinance repealing Exhibits A,B,C,D, E, F and G of Ordinance No. 20160818-023 ordering the November 2016 general and special municipal election, and replacing them with new Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, and G that adopt changes to election day and early voting polling places, that list election day judges, that list central counting station staff, that list the early voting ballot board, and that attach executed joint election agreements; and declaring an emergency.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an 84-month contract with TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES, to provide electric meters for Austin Energy's residential meter replacement project, in an amount not to exceed $29,100,000. ( Notes: This contract is exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. )
Paul Robbins - Austin Energy rates and other City issues. Sharon Blythe - City Business ( Video conference from District 6 ) Koo - Hyun Kim - Crimes committed by Governments in the City of Austin in 2000 - up until today 9-22-2016, but City Police and City Attorney David refused to prosecute or investigate and resigned. Robert Rivera - TBA. Susana Almanza - Cactus Rose Mobile Home Park Agreement. Carol Biedrzycki - Code Enforcement in rental properties. Jim Brennan - Veterans Business Initiative. Iris Leija - Workers retention policy for Austin Airport workers. Joe Zamecki - TBA. Darnell Franklin - United here assistance at the Airport.
Economic Development Department Authorize execution of cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2016- 2017 in an amount not to exceed $1,598,200.
Economic Development Department Authorize execution of cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2016- 2017 in an amount not to exceed $1,598,200.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a Project Consent Agreement waiving provisions of City Code Title 25 to incentivize preservation of a 41.04 acre tract of land at 2636 Bliss Spillar Road located within the Barton Springs Zone and allowing construction of commercial development of a 12.08 acre tract of land located at 12501 Hewitt Lane in the City’s Desired Development Zone.
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Mooreland Addition annexation area (approximately 34 acres in southwestern Travis County east of the intersection of Manchaca Road and Mooreland Drive; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Smithfield/Frate Barker annexation area (approximately 46 acres in southwestern Travis County at the intersection of Frate Barker Road and Manchaca Road; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Upper East End Subdivision annexation area (approximately 29 acres in northeastern Travis County on East Howard Lane, approximately two-tenths of a mile west of East Howard Lane and Cantarra Drive; contiguous to District 1).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Malone Preliminary Plan annexation area (approximately 40.48 acres in southwestern Travis County one-half mile south of the intersection of West Slaughter Lane and Slaughter Creek Drive between Slaughter Creek Drive and Bilbrook Place; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the HOLT CAT Subdivision annexation area (approximately 27 acres in southern Travis County along Interstate Highway-35 approximately three-tenths of a mile south of Slaughter Lane; contiguous to District 5).
Domestic Violence Awareness Month – To be presented by Council Member Delia Garza and to be accepted by Kirsha Haverlah, Austin/Travis County Family Violence Task Force.
Archives Month – To be presented by Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo and to be accepted by Mike Miller, Director, Austin History Center
Dyslexia Month - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Heather Hardeman on behalf of the Dyslexia Parent Network
14th Annual Disability Mentoring Day - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Tanya Winters, Vice Chair, Mayor's Committee for People With Disabilities
Distinguished Service Award – Cathy Gerac – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree
Susan G. Komen Day - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Suzanne Stone, Executive Director, Susan G. Komen Austin
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Title 25 of the City Code to change regulations related to Subchapter F gross floor area exemptions for garages and carports.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Title 25 of the City Code to change regulations related to Subchapter F gross floor area exemptions for garages and carports.
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Entrada annexation area (approximately 246 acres in northeastern Travis County south of Wells Branch Parkway at the intersection of Immanuel Road and Crystal Bend Drive; contiguous to District 1).
9:55 AM – Invocation Pastor Bob Bolender, Austin Bible Church 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1,3-10, 13-23, 25, 28 & 29, 31-38, 40-51 Pulled: 2, 11, 12, 24, 30 Postponed: 26 & 27 Withdrawn: 39
24. Approve second and third reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 960613-J and authorizing execution of the first amendment to a settlement agreement relating to the development of property located at 6409 City Park Road (Champion Tract). (Related to Item 53) 53. C14-2015-0160 - Champions Tract #3 - District 10 - Conduct a public hearing and approve third reading of an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 25-2 by rezoning property locally known as 6409 City Park Road (West Bull Creek Watershed) from general office-conditional overlay (GOCO) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-moderate-high density-conditional overlay (MF-4-CO) combining district zoning. First Reading approved on June 23, 2016. Vote: 11-0. Second Reading approved on September 22, 2016. Vote: 9-0, Council Member Pool abstained; Council Member Troxclair was off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Champion Assets LTD & Champion Legacy Partners LP (Josie Ellen Champion, Alma Juanita Champion Meier, Margaret Jo Roberson Duff). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard Suttle). City Staff: Jerry Rusthoven, 512-974-3207. (Related to Item 24)
Item(s) Referred from Council Committee(s) Audit and Finance Committee Approve the City Auditor’s Fiscal Year 2017 Audit Plan. ( Notes: Auditor's Office )
Animal Services Office Authorize negotiation and execution of a one-year interlocal agreement with Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Services – Wildlife Services to provide assistance and response for coyotes within the City of Austin in accordance with the City of Austin’s coyote management policy.
City Clerk Approve an ordinance repealing Exhibits A,B,C,D, E, F and G of Ordinance No. 20160818-023 ordering the November 2016 general and special municipal election, and replacing them with new Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, F, and G that adopt changes to election day and early voting polling places, that list election day judges, that list central counting station staff, that list the early voting ballot board, and that attach executed joint election agreements; and declaring an emergency.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an 84-month contract with TEXAS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVES, to provide electric meters for Austin Energy's residential meter replacement project, in an amount not to exceed $29,100,000. ( Notes: This contract is exempt from the City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established. )
Paul Robbins - Austin Energy rates and other City issues. Sharon Blythe - City Business ( Video conference from District 6 ) Koo - Hyun Kim - Crimes committed by Governments in the City of Austin in 2000 - up until today 9-22-2016, but City Police and City Attorney David refused to prosecute or investigate and resigned. Robert Rivera - TBA. Susana Almanza - Cactus Rose Mobile Home Park Agreement. Carol Biedrzycki - Code Enforcement in rental properties. Jim Brennan - Veterans Business Initiative. Iris Leija - Workers retention policy for Austin Airport workers. Joe Zamecki - TBA. Darnell Franklin - United here assistance at the Airport.
Economic Development Department Authorize execution of cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2016- 2017 in an amount not to exceed $1,598,200.
Economic Development Department Authorize execution of cultural arts services contracts for Fiscal Year 2016- 2017 in an amount not to exceed $1,598,200.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a Project Consent Agreement waiving provisions of City Code Title 25 to incentivize preservation of a 41.04 acre tract of land at 2636 Bliss Spillar Road located within the Barton Springs Zone and allowing construction of commercial development of a 12.08 acre tract of land located at 12501 Hewitt Lane in the City’s Desired Development Zone.
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Mooreland Addition annexation area (approximately 34 acres in southwestern Travis County east of the intersection of Manchaca Road and Mooreland Drive; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Smithfield/Frate Barker annexation area (approximately 46 acres in southwestern Travis County at the intersection of Frate Barker Road and Manchaca Road; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Upper East End Subdivision annexation area (approximately 29 acres in northeastern Travis County on East Howard Lane, approximately two-tenths of a mile west of East Howard Lane and Cantarra Drive; contiguous to District 1).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Malone Preliminary Plan annexation area (approximately 40.48 acres in southwestern Travis County one-half mile south of the intersection of West Slaughter Lane and Slaughter Creek Drive between Slaughter Creek Drive and Bilbrook Place; contiguous to District 5).
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the HOLT CAT Subdivision annexation area (approximately 27 acres in southern Travis County along Interstate Highway-35 approximately three-tenths of a mile south of Slaughter Lane; contiguous to District 5).
Domestic Violence Awareness Month – To be presented by Council Member Delia Garza and to be accepted by Kirsha Haverlah, Austin/Travis County Family Violence Task Force.
Archives Month – To be presented by Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo and to be accepted by Mike Miller, Director, Austin History Center
Dyslexia Month - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Heather Hardeman on behalf of the Dyslexia Parent Network
14th Annual Disability Mentoring Day - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Tanya Winters, Vice Chair, Mayor's Committee for People With Disabilities
Distinguished Service Award – Cathy Gerac – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree
Susan G. Komen Day - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Suzanne Stone, Executive Director, Susan G. Komen Austin
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Title 25 of the City Code to change regulations related to Subchapter F gross floor area exemptions for garages and carports.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending Title 25 of the City Code to change regulations related to Subchapter F gross floor area exemptions for garages and carports.
Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of the Entrada annexation area (approximately 246 acres in northeastern Travis County south of Wells Branch Parkway at the intersection of Immanuel Road and Crystal Bend Drive; contiguous to District 1).