9:55 AM – Invocation Brother George Williams, of Church of Christ at East Side 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1 - 4, 6 - 9, 13 - 20, 22- 25, 28 - 38, 41 - 45, 47 - 49, 51 & 74 Pulled: 39, 46, 75 - 78 Withdrawn: 47, 50, 52 & 57 Postponed: 5, 10 - 12, 21, 26, 27 & 40
Approve an ordinance on second and third readings, creating City Code Chapter 13-7 to enact regulations for vehicle immobilization services (vehicle booting); authorizing related fees; creating offenses; and declaring an emergency.
Approval a resolution relating to acquiring and preserving multi-family developments and mobile home parks occupied by households who earn less than 60 percent of the median family income (MFI).
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to develop recommendations regarding amendments to City Code and regulating plans necessary to recalibrate density bonus program affordability requirements and fee-in-lieu requirements, and return to council with recommendations by February 15, 2019.
Citizen Communications: General
Terry Colgan – TBD Pat Valls – Trelles – TBD Brannon Veal – TBD Freddy Zamora – TBD Ruben Cantu – TBD Leslie Padilla – Animal Shelters in Austin Chroma Okon – Abusive Gentrification, 1. Black land 2. Chicano land Kelly Land – Veteran Resource Center- As an expert in collective impact communities in the veteran space, I would like to support the city of austin’s collaborative veterans initiative and more importantly the proposal to provide space for a veteran resource center. Andrew Myers – TBD Kevin Henderson – Healing the battered women with dancing.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Freeman Decorating Co. D/B/A Freeman Audio Visual, Inc., to provide audio visual and rigging services, for a term of five years for a total estimated contract revenue amount of $3,500,000. (Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established).
53. Discuss legal issues related to open government matters (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 54. Discuss legal issues related to taxation and annexation of property along Lake Austin (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 55. Discuss legal issues related to recovering Austin Water’s costs for treating industrial wastewater with high ammonia-nitrogen levels (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 56. Discuss real estate and legal matters related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property generally located west of SH Loop 1 and along Lake Austin Boulevard (the Brackenridge Tract) (Real property - Section 551.072 of the Government Code and Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 46. Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws. 80. Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 2-1 relating to the Community Development Commission and Chapter 2-7 regarding financial disclosure requirements, and approve amendments to the bylaws of the Community Development Commission relating to an appointment and removal process for commission members.
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting (Part 1 of 2)
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at https://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2018/20180524-ahfc.htm ).
Consent: 1 - 4, 6 - 9, 13 - 20, 22- 25, 28 - 38, 41 - 45, 47 - 49, 51 & 74 Pulled: 39, 46, 75 - 78 Withdrawn: 47, 50, 52 & 57 Postponed: 5, 10 - 12, 21, 26, 27 & 40
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting (Part 2 of 2)
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at https://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2018/20180524-ahfc.htm ).
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate rezoning and Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendments for mobile home park properties located at 8105 Research Boulevard; 1430 Frontier Valley Drive; and 7307, 7401 and 7403 East Riverside Drive to the appropriate mobile home residence (MH) district and to identify all remaining properties currently being used as a mobile home residence park or mobile home subdivision, but not zoned mobile home residence (MH) district and submit the properties to Council for initiation of the appropriate zoning cases on September 20, 2018.
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
62. NPA-2017-0016.02 - Flats on Shady - District 3 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20030327-12, the Govalle/Johnston Terrace Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 1125 Shady Lane (Boggy Creek Watershed) from Single Family to Multifamily land use. Staff Recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Owner/Applicant: Otto Friedrich Jr. Estate. Agent: Drenner Group (Dave Anderson). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. 63. C14-2017-0094 - Flats on Shady - District 3 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1125 Shady Lane (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Otto Freidrich Jr. Estate (Johnette Champion). Agent: Drenner Group (Dave Anderson). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
C14-2018-0002 - Delwau Campgrounds - District 1 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 7715 Delwau Lane (Colorado River Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning, with conditions. Owner/Applicant: Delwau LLC (Adam Zimmerman). Agent: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 2-1 relating to the Community Development Commission and Chapter 2-7 regarding financial disclosure requirements, and approve amendments to the bylaws of the Community Development Commission relating to an appointment and removal process for commission members.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance on second and third reading amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan by adopting the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan for the area bounded by Research Boulevard to the north, Burnet Road to the east, Anderson Lane to the south, and Mopac Expressway to the west.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance on second and third reading amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan by adopting the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan for the area bounded by Research Boulevard to the north, Burnet Road to the east, Anderson Lane to the south, and Mopac Expressway to the west.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance levying 2019 assessments for property of Whisper Valley Public Improvement District.
71. NPA-2018-0026.01 - Austin Suites- District 4-Conduct a public hearing to approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100624-110, the North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 8300 North Interstate Highway 35 Southbound Service Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed) from Commercial to Mixed Use land use. First Reading approved on August 9, 2018. Vote: 10-0, with Councilmember Houston off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Collin Brothers, Artesia Real Estate. Agent: Stantec Consulting Services (Stephen Rye). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. District(s): District 4 72. C14-2018-0022 - Austin Suites - District 4 - Conduct a public hearing and approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 8300 North Interstate Highway-35 Southbound Service Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan combining (CS-CO-NP) district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan combining (CS-MU-CO-NP) district zoning. First Reading approved on August 9, 2018. Vote: 10-0, with Councilmember Houston off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Collin Brothers, Artesia Real Estate. Agent: Stantec Consulting Services (Stephen Rye). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s): District 4
Briefing on the Project Assessment Report for the Circuit of the Americas Planned Unit Development, located at 9201 Circuit of the Americas Boulevard, within the Dry Creek Watershed (CD-2018-0004). District(s): District 2
Briefing on the Project Assessment Report for the 218 South Lamar Planned Unit Development, located at 218 South Lamar Boulevard, within the Lady Bird Lake Watershed within the Urban Watershed (CD-2018-0003). Adjourn
9:55 AM – Invocation Brother George Williams, of Church of Christ at East Side 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1 - 4, 6 - 9, 13 - 20, 22- 25, 28 - 38, 41 - 45, 47 - 49, 51 & 74 Pulled: 39, 46, 75 - 78 Withdrawn: 47, 50, 52 & 57 Postponed: 5, 10 - 12, 21, 26, 27 & 40
Approve an ordinance on second and third readings, creating City Code Chapter 13-7 to enact regulations for vehicle immobilization services (vehicle booting); authorizing related fees; creating offenses; and declaring an emergency.
Approval a resolution relating to acquiring and preserving multi-family developments and mobile home parks occupied by households who earn less than 60 percent of the median family income (MFI).
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to develop recommendations regarding amendments to City Code and regulating plans necessary to recalibrate density bonus program affordability requirements and fee-in-lieu requirements, and return to council with recommendations by February 15, 2019.
Citizen Communications: General
Terry Colgan – TBD Pat Valls – Trelles – TBD Brannon Veal – TBD Freddy Zamora – TBD Ruben Cantu – TBD Leslie Padilla – Animal Shelters in Austin Chroma Okon – Abusive Gentrification, 1. Black land 2. Chicano land Kelly Land – Veteran Resource Center- As an expert in collective impact communities in the veteran space, I would like to support the city of austin’s collaborative veterans initiative and more importantly the proposal to provide space for a veteran resource center. Andrew Myers – TBD Kevin Henderson – Healing the battered women with dancing.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Freeman Decorating Co. D/B/A Freeman Audio Visual, Inc., to provide audio visual and rigging services, for a term of five years for a total estimated contract revenue amount of $3,500,000. (Note: This solicitation was reviewed for subcontracting opportunities in accordance with City Code Chapter 2-9C Minority Owned and Women Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program. For the services required for this solicitation, there were no subcontracting opportunities; therefore, no subcontracting goals were established).
53. Discuss legal issues related to open government matters (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 54. Discuss legal issues related to taxation and annexation of property along Lake Austin (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 55. Discuss legal issues related to recovering Austin Water’s costs for treating industrial wastewater with high ammonia-nitrogen levels (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 56. Discuss real estate and legal matters related to the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property generally located west of SH Loop 1 and along Lake Austin Boulevard (the Brackenridge Tract) (Real property - Section 551.072 of the Government Code and Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 46. Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws. 80. Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 2-1 relating to the Community Development Commission and Chapter 2-7 regarding financial disclosure requirements, and approve amendments to the bylaws of the Community Development Commission relating to an appointment and removal process for commission members.
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting (Part 1 of 2)
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at https://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2018/20180524-ahfc.htm ).
Consent: 1 - 4, 6 - 9, 13 - 20, 22- 25, 28 - 38, 41 - 45, 47 - 49, 51 & 74 Pulled: 39, 46, 75 - 78 Withdrawn: 47, 50, 52 & 57 Postponed: 5, 10 - 12, 21, 26, 27 & 40
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting (Part 2 of 2)
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at https://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2018/20180524-ahfc.htm ).
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to initiate rezoning and Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendments for mobile home park properties located at 8105 Research Boulevard; 1430 Frontier Valley Drive; and 7307, 7401 and 7403 East Riverside Drive to the appropriate mobile home residence (MH) district and to identify all remaining properties currently being used as a mobile home residence park or mobile home subdivision, but not zoned mobile home residence (MH) district and submit the properties to Council for initiation of the appropriate zoning cases on September 20, 2018.
Approve appointments and certain related waivers to citizen boards and commissions, to Council committees and other intergovernmental bodies and removal and replacement of members; and amendments to board and commission bylaws.
62. NPA-2017-0016.02 - Flats on Shady - District 3 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20030327-12, the Govalle/Johnston Terrace Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 1125 Shady Lane (Boggy Creek Watershed) from Single Family to Multifamily land use. Staff Recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Owner/Applicant: Otto Friedrich Jr. Estate. Agent: Drenner Group (Dave Anderson). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. 63. C14-2017-0094 - Flats on Shady - District 3 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1125 Shady Lane (Boggy Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Otto Freidrich Jr. Estate (Johnette Champion). Agent: Drenner Group (Dave Anderson). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
C14-2018-0002 - Delwau Campgrounds - District 1 - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 7715 Delwau Lane (Colorado River Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from single family residence-standard lot (SF-2) district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: To grant general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-MU-CO) combining district zoning and commercial liquor sales-mixed use-conditional overlay (CS-1-MU-CO) combining district zoning, with conditions. Owner/Applicant: Delwau LLC (Adam Zimmerman). Agent: South Llano Strategies (Glen Coleman). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Chapter 2-1 relating to the Community Development Commission and Chapter 2-7 regarding financial disclosure requirements, and approve amendments to the bylaws of the Community Development Commission relating to an appointment and removal process for commission members.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance on second and third reading amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan by adopting the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan for the area bounded by Research Boulevard to the north, Burnet Road to the east, Anderson Lane to the south, and Mopac Expressway to the west.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance on second and third reading amending the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan by adopting the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Plan for the area bounded by Research Boulevard to the north, Burnet Road to the east, Anderson Lane to the south, and Mopac Expressway to the west.
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance levying 2019 assessments for property of Whisper Valley Public Improvement District.
71. NPA-2018-0026.01 - Austin Suites- District 4-Conduct a public hearing to approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100624-110, the North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 8300 North Interstate Highway 35 Southbound Service Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed) from Commercial to Mixed Use land use. First Reading approved on August 9, 2018. Vote: 10-0, with Councilmember Houston off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Collin Brothers, Artesia Real Estate. Agent: Stantec Consulting Services (Stephen Rye). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. District(s): District 4 72. C14-2018-0022 - Austin Suites - District 4 - Conduct a public hearing and approve second and third readings of an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 8300 North Interstate Highway-35 Southbound Service Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant’s Request: To rezone from general commercial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan combining (CS-CO-NP) district zoning to general commercial services-mixed use-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan combining (CS-MU-CO-NP) district zoning. First Reading approved on August 9, 2018. Vote: 10-0, with Councilmember Houston off the dais. Owner/Applicant: Collin Brothers, Artesia Real Estate. Agent: Stantec Consulting Services (Stephen Rye). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057. District(s): District 4
Briefing on the Project Assessment Report for the Circuit of the Americas Planned Unit Development, located at 9201 Circuit of the Americas Boulevard, within the Dry Creek Watershed (CD-2018-0004). District(s): District 2
Briefing on the Project Assessment Report for the 218 South Lamar Planned Unit Development, located at 218 South Lamar Boulevard, within the Lady Bird Lake Watershed within the Urban Watershed (CD-2018-0003). Adjourn