9:55 AM – Invocation Adam Sultan, Austin Shambhala Meditation Center 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1 - 12, 14 - 18, 25 & 26, 28, 30, 34 - 36, 38, 41 - 44, 46 - 48, 50 - 54, 98 - 100 Withdrawn: 46 & 47, 70 Pulled: 13, 19, 20 - 24, 27, 29, 31 - 33, 37, 39, 45, 49 Postponed: 20 - 23, 27, 40, 64
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 9-4-11 (Camping in Public Area Prohibited), repealing City Code Section 9-4-13 (Solicitation Prohibited), and amending City Code Section 9-4-14 (Sitting or Lying Down on Public Sidewalks or Sleeping Outdoors in the Downtown Austin Community Court Area Prohibited).
Citizens Communications: General
David Smilek – Concerns Animal Control Dave Austin – Austin Animal Center Royce Hall – 1. Anne Morgan 2. Sara Hensley and Kimberly McNeeley misconduct. Chris Davis – Homeless population breaking into our property. Cost to deal with security and clean-up for the property.
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 9-4-11 (Camping in Public Area Prohibited), repealing City Code Section 9-4-13 (Solicitation Prohibited), and amending City Code Section 9-4-14 (Sitting or Lying Down on Public Sidewalks or Sleeping Outdoors in the Downtown Austin Community Court Area Prohibited).
Items 62, 63, & 65 (Part 1 of 2)
62. Conduct a public hearing related to an application by Cesar Chavez Foundation, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Govalle Terrace, located at or near 5225 Jain Lane; and consider a resolution that relates to the development, the application, and the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 63. Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Bridge at Granada, LLC, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as the Granada Apartments, located at or near 504 East Wonsley Drive, in the City and acknowledging certain facts relating to the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 65. Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of approximately 126 acres located in Williamson and Travis Counties, approximately four-tenths of a mile north of the intersection of Parmer Lane and McNeil Drive, and authorize negotiation and execution of a written agreement with the owner of land in the area for the provision of services.
55. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the fee acquisition consisting of approximately 0.252 acres or 10,983 square feet of land being a part of Division “O” of the Original City of Austin Government Out Lots, according to the map on file in the Texas General Land Office in Travis County, Texas, and being more particularly a part of the west 100 feet of East Avenue, a street in the said City of Austin, as depicted on the map of the said Government Out Lots and being a portion of that called 0.9702 acres of land as described in that certain Declaration of Departmental Transfer of Operations and Maintenance Obligations as described in Document Number 20122178335, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $164,745. The owner of the needed property interest is WC 56 East Avenue LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The property is located entirely in District 9, at 55 East Avenue, Austin Texas 78701. The general route of the project is along the south side River Street and north side of Lambie Street, just west of the IH 35 frontage road, in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 56. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.0464 acres (2,023 square feet) tract of land situated in the John Applegait Survey Number 58, being a portion of Lot 9-A, Resubdivision of Lots 6, 7, 8, & 9 of North Lamar Park Annex, a subdivision recorded in Volume 71, Page 94, Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, and conveyed to Omar Bobadilla in Document No. 2009183280 Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $31,409. The owner of the needed property interest is Omar Bobadilla. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 9207 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 57. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.057 acres (2,482 square feet) of land in the John Applegait Survey Number 58 and being a portion of Lot 3, Northwend Phase “B” Section One-D, a Subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 84, Page 97B, Plat Records Travis County, Texas the said Lot 3, being described to 9511 North Lamar Ltd., in that certain special warranty deed as recorded in Document No. 2010126510, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $47,723. The owner of the property interest is 9511 North Lamar Ltd, a Texas limited company. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 9511 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 58. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.059 acres (2,560 square feet) parcel of land situated in the J.P. Wallace Survey, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block No. 2, Fiskville School Addition, recorded in Volume 4, Page 169 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, said Lot 1 and Lot 2 being described in a general warranty deed to Lamar Properties, LLC, recorded in Document No. 2004083754 of the Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $35,673. The owner of the needed property interest is Lamar Properties LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 8631 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 59. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.022 acres (968 square feet) parcel of land situated in the John Applegait Survey, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lot 10-D, North Lamar Park Commercial Area, recorded in Vol. 30, Pg. 32 of the Plat Records Travis County, Texas, said Lot 10-D being described as a 0.1096 of one acre tract of land in a special warranty deed to Ford Coin Realty, L.P., recorded in Vol. 13029, Pg. 545 of the Real Property Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $17,052. The owner of the property interest is Ford Coin Realty, a Texas limited partnership. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 8901 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 60. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.0274 acre (1,194 square feet) tract of land, situated in the John Applegait Survey Number 58, being a portion of Lot 2, Block I, Mockingbird Hill Section One, a subdivision recorded in Volume 5, Page 159, Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed to Auto Strategies, LLC in Document No. 2011110504, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $19,744, for the public purpose of electric transmission and distribution facilities necessary to upgrade Circuit 811. The owner of the property interest is Auto Strategies, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located at 10501 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753.
49. Approve a resolution relating to implementing the responses directed in Council Resolution No. 20190131-078, including taking all actions necessary to implement the provision of immediate shelter structure(s) and services. 67. Consider matters related to Austin Energy generation resources (Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Section 551.086 of the Government Code). 68. Discuss legal issues related to tenant relocation assistance (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 69. Discuss legal issues related to sign regulations (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 103. Discuss legal issues related to the disposition of parkland (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code).
Item 62, 63, & 65 (Part 2 of 2)
62. Conduct a public hearing related to an application by Cesar Chavez Foundation, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Govalle Terrace, located at or near 5225 Jain Lane; and consider a resolution that relates to the development, the application, and the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 63. Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Bridge at Granada, LLC, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as the Granada Apartments, located at or near 504 East Wonsley Drive, in the City and acknowledging certain facts relating to the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 65. Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of approximately 126 acres located in Williamson and Travis Counties, approximately four-tenths of a mile north of the intersection of Parmer Lane and McNeil Drive, and authorize negotiation and execution of a written agreement with the owner of land in the area for the provision of services.
Approve a resolution relating to implementing the responses directed in Council Resolution No. 20190131-078, including taking all actions necessary to implement the provision of immediate shelter structure(s) and services.
Consent: 74, 80 & 81, 85 - 89, 91 & 92, 105 Pulled: 75 - 78, 84, 96 & 97 Postponed: 71 - 73, 79, 82 & 83, 90, 93 - 95
C14-2019-0055 - Austin FC -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by zoning property locally known as 10414 McKalla Place and 10617 ½ Burnet Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited industrial services-neighborhood plan (LI-NP) combining district zoning and north burnet/gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district zoning to limited industrial services-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant limited industrial services-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: City of Austin-Economic Growth & Redevelopment Department (Greg Kiloh). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.
C14-2019-0017 - Cameron Loop Mobile H/P -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2807 Cameron Loop (South Boggy Creek Watershed) from rural residence (RR) district zoning to mobile home (MH) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant mobile home (MH) district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: Forwarded to Council without a recommendation due to lack of an affirmative vote. Owner: 2807 LLC. Applicant: City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department (Heather Chaffin). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at http://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2019/20190606-ahfc.htm).
77. NPA-2019-0012.01.SH -The Abali - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 020801-91, the Upper Boggy Creek Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 4603, 4605, 4607, 4609 & 4611 North I.H. 35 SVRD NB (Boggy Creek Watershed) from Office to Multifamily land use. Staff recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Planning Commission recommendation: To be reviewed on May 28, 2019. Owner/Applicant: Saeed Moshfegh, Behzad, Bahrami & Nemerow Investments, LLC. Agent: Megan Lash. City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. 78. C14-2019-0046.SH -The Abali - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 4603, 4605, 4607, 4609 and 4611 N. IH-35 Service Road Northbound (Upper Boggy Creek Watershed) from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning, limited office-neighborhood plan (LO-NP) combining district zoning, and community commercial-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-CO-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-high density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence-high density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed May 28, 2019. Owner: Saeed Moshfegh, Bahrami Behzad & Nemerow Investments, LLC (Saeed Moshfegh). Applicant: The Abali, LLC (Megan Lasch) City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Distinguished Service Award – Jim Smith - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree.
Proclamation – Hidden Heroes Day – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Tara Plybon and Lara Garey.
Proclamation – Gus Munson Day – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree.
Proclamation – Stepp-Up Steppers of Austin Day – To be presented by Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison.
Proclamation – William H. Russell Austin Cave Heritage Day – To be presented by Council Member Ann Kitchen and to be accepted by the honoree.
Authorize an amendment to an existing contract with Capital Investing in Development & Employment of Adults, Inc. D/B/A Capital IDEA, to provide continued workforce development services, for an increase in the amount of $319,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $10,672,100.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with Mobility Resource Associates Inc., D/B/A MRA, D/B/A MRA Mobile Experiential, to provide the design, installation, lease and operations of a mobile customer outreach trailer, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,035,000.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., to provide an updated master plan for Austin Resource Recovery, in an amount not to exceed $500,000.
19. Authorize an amendment to an existing cooperative contract with Freeit Data Solutions, Inc., to provide Hewlett Packard Enterprise products, maintenance and support services, for an increase in the amount of $172,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $316,000. 37. Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract with Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc., to provide NetApp network storage products and services, for up to seven years in an amount not to exceed $5,170,000.
21. Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with AHW Consulting LLC, D/B/A Healthworks Ergonomics (WBE), to provide ergonomic consulting services, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,101,500. 22. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Navigant Consulting Inc., or one of the other qualified offerors to Request for Proposals (RFP) 1100 EAL3002, to provide regulatory consulting services in an amount not to exceed $99,000. 23. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Assurance Software Inc., to provide disaster planning and disruption prevention software and services, for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $760,000. 24. Authorize an amendment to an existing contract with ESO Solutions Inc., to continue an electronic patient care record solution and to add an on premise solution for the Firehouse Records Management System, to increase the amount by $816,259, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $1,671,940. 29. Authorize negotiation and execution of four contracts to provide grounds maintenance and mowing services, with Abescape Group LLC; Brightview Landscape Services, Inc.; Great Western Managed Services (WBE); and Unity Contractor Services, Inc. (MBE); each for a term of five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $4,050,000, divided among the contractors. 31. Authorize negotiation and execution of four contracts to provide grounds maintenance and mowing services, with Abescape Group LLC; Brightview Landscape Services, Inc.; Great Western Managed Services (WBE); and Unity Contractor Services, Inc. (MBE); each for a term of five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $4,050,000, divided among the contractors.
Authorize award of a multi-term contract with Texas Office Products & Supply, LLC, to provide the rental of office furniture, for up to three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $472,560.
75. NPA-2019-0027.01- Twin Liquors Maudie’s -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100923-102 the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 2608 West 7th Street (Johnson Creek Watershed) from Neighborhood Commercial to Mixed Use land use. Staff recommendation and Planning Commission recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: TASC Properties, LP (Tracy S. Livingston). Agent: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695). 76. C14-2019-0043 - Twin Liquors Maudie’s - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2606, 2608, and 2610 W 7th Street and 703 Newman Drive (Johnson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning to commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning on tract 1 and from commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning on tract 2 . Staff recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning on tract 1 and general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning on tract 2. Owner/Applicant: TASC Properties LP (Tracy Livingston. Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower). City Staff: Scott Grantham, 512-974-3574.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Fee Schedule (Ordinance No. 20180911-002) to increase the maximum authorized fee for Non-Consent Towing Fees (other than Private Property Tows) for vehicles less than 10,000 pounds from $150 to $195.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term revenue contract with Pecan Grove Golf Partners, to provide management and operation of the Butler Pitch and Putt golf course, for up to 20 years for a total estimated revenue contract amount of $2,500,000.
C14-2018-0150 - 1804/1806/1808 W 6th St Rezoning - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1804, 1806, and 1808 W 6th Street (Johnson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence - neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to limited office - mixed use - neighborhood plan (LO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant neighborhood office - mixed use - neighborhood plan (NO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Syllabus Partners LLC (James Lindsey), Vairea Partners (Peter Pfeiffer). Agent: Syllabus Partners LLC (James A. Lindsey). City Staff: Scott Grantham, 512-974-3574. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. Adjourn
9:55 AM – Invocation Adam Sultan, Austin Shambhala Meditation Center 10:00 AM – City Council Convenes
Consent: 1 - 12, 14 - 18, 25 & 26, 28, 30, 34 - 36, 38, 41 - 44, 46 - 48, 50 - 54, 98 - 100 Withdrawn: 46 & 47, 70 Pulled: 13, 19, 20 - 24, 27, 29, 31 - 33, 37, 39, 45, 49 Postponed: 20 - 23, 27, 40, 64
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 9-4-11 (Camping in Public Area Prohibited), repealing City Code Section 9-4-13 (Solicitation Prohibited), and amending City Code Section 9-4-14 (Sitting or Lying Down on Public Sidewalks or Sleeping Outdoors in the Downtown Austin Community Court Area Prohibited).
Citizens Communications: General
David Smilek – Concerns Animal Control Dave Austin – Austin Animal Center Royce Hall – 1. Anne Morgan 2. Sara Hensley and Kimberly McNeeley misconduct. Chris Davis – Homeless population breaking into our property. Cost to deal with security and clean-up for the property.
Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 9-4-11 (Camping in Public Area Prohibited), repealing City Code Section 9-4-13 (Solicitation Prohibited), and amending City Code Section 9-4-14 (Sitting or Lying Down on Public Sidewalks or Sleeping Outdoors in the Downtown Austin Community Court Area Prohibited).
Items 62, 63, & 65 (Part 1 of 2)
62. Conduct a public hearing related to an application by Cesar Chavez Foundation, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Govalle Terrace, located at or near 5225 Jain Lane; and consider a resolution that relates to the development, the application, and the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 63. Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Bridge at Granada, LLC, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as the Granada Apartments, located at or near 504 East Wonsley Drive, in the City and acknowledging certain facts relating to the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 65. Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of approximately 126 acres located in Williamson and Travis Counties, approximately four-tenths of a mile north of the intersection of Parmer Lane and McNeil Drive, and authorize negotiation and execution of a written agreement with the owner of land in the area for the provision of services.
55. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the fee acquisition consisting of approximately 0.252 acres or 10,983 square feet of land being a part of Division “O” of the Original City of Austin Government Out Lots, according to the map on file in the Texas General Land Office in Travis County, Texas, and being more particularly a part of the west 100 feet of East Avenue, a street in the said City of Austin, as depicted on the map of the said Government Out Lots and being a portion of that called 0.9702 acres of land as described in that certain Declaration of Departmental Transfer of Operations and Maintenance Obligations as described in Document Number 20122178335, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $164,745. The owner of the needed property interest is WC 56 East Avenue LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The property is located entirely in District 9, at 55 East Avenue, Austin Texas 78701. The general route of the project is along the south side River Street and north side of Lambie Street, just west of the IH 35 frontage road, in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 56. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.0464 acres (2,023 square feet) tract of land situated in the John Applegait Survey Number 58, being a portion of Lot 9-A, Resubdivision of Lots 6, 7, 8, & 9 of North Lamar Park Annex, a subdivision recorded in Volume 71, Page 94, Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, and conveyed to Omar Bobadilla in Document No. 2009183280 Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $31,409. The owner of the needed property interest is Omar Bobadilla. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 9207 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 57. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.057 acres (2,482 square feet) of land in the John Applegait Survey Number 58 and being a portion of Lot 3, Northwend Phase “B” Section One-D, a Subdivision in Travis County, Texas, according to the plat recorded in Volume 84, Page 97B, Plat Records Travis County, Texas the said Lot 3, being described to 9511 North Lamar Ltd., in that certain special warranty deed as recorded in Document No. 2010126510, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $47,723. The owner of the property interest is 9511 North Lamar Ltd, a Texas limited company. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 9511 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 58. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.059 acres (2,560 square feet) parcel of land situated in the J.P. Wallace Survey, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block No. 2, Fiskville School Addition, recorded in Volume 4, Page 169 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, said Lot 1 and Lot 2 being described in a general warranty deed to Lamar Properties, LLC, recorded in Document No. 2004083754 of the Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $35,673. The owner of the needed property interest is Lamar Properties LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 8631 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 59. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.022 acres (968 square feet) parcel of land situated in the John Applegait Survey, in Travis County, Texas, being a portion of Lot 10-D, North Lamar Park Commercial Area, recorded in Vol. 30, Pg. 32 of the Plat Records Travis County, Texas, said Lot 10-D being described as a 0.1096 of one acre tract of land in a special warranty deed to Ford Coin Realty, L.P., recorded in Vol. 13029, Pg. 545 of the Real Property Records of Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $17,052. The owner of the property interest is Ford Coin Realty, a Texas limited partnership. The property is located entirely within District 4, at 8901 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753. The general route of the project is along the east side of N. Lamar Blvd. from the Justin Lane Substation on North Lamar Blvd. crossing Lamar Blvd. at Wagon Trail Road from there the circuit traverses the North Park Estates and Gracywoods neighborhoods until it reaches the McNeil Substation on Knollpark Drive., in Austin, Travis County, Texas. 60. Approve a resolution authorizing the filing of eminent domain proceedings for the acquisition of easement rights consisting of approximately 0.0274 acre (1,194 square feet) tract of land, situated in the John Applegait Survey Number 58, being a portion of Lot 2, Block I, Mockingbird Hill Section One, a subdivision recorded in Volume 5, Page 159, Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, conveyed to Auto Strategies, LLC in Document No. 2011110504, Official Public Records Travis County, Texas, in the amount of $19,744, for the public purpose of electric transmission and distribution facilities necessary to upgrade Circuit 811. The owner of the property interest is Auto Strategies, LLC, a Texas limited liability company. The property is located at 10501 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78753.
49. Approve a resolution relating to implementing the responses directed in Council Resolution No. 20190131-078, including taking all actions necessary to implement the provision of immediate shelter structure(s) and services. 67. Consider matters related to Austin Energy generation resources (Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Section 551.086 of the Government Code). 68. Discuss legal issues related to tenant relocation assistance (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 69. Discuss legal issues related to sign regulations (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code). 103. Discuss legal issues related to the disposition of parkland (Private consultation with legal counsel - Section 551.071 of the Government Code).
Item 62, 63, & 65 (Part 2 of 2)
62. Conduct a public hearing related to an application by Cesar Chavez Foundation, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as Govalle Terrace, located at or near 5225 Jain Lane; and consider a resolution that relates to the development, the application, and the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 63. Conduct a public hearing and consider a resolution related to an application by Bridge at Granada, LLC, or an affiliated entity, for housing tax credits for a multi-family development that will be financed through the private activity bond program to be known as the Granada Apartments, located at or near 504 East Wonsley Drive, in the City and acknowledging certain facts relating to the allocation of housing tax credits and private activity bonds within the City and near the proposed development. 65. Conduct a public hearing for the full purpose annexation of approximately 126 acres located in Williamson and Travis Counties, approximately four-tenths of a mile north of the intersection of Parmer Lane and McNeil Drive, and authorize negotiation and execution of a written agreement with the owner of land in the area for the provision of services.
Approve a resolution relating to implementing the responses directed in Council Resolution No. 20190131-078, including taking all actions necessary to implement the provision of immediate shelter structure(s) and services.
Consent: 74, 80 & 81, 85 - 89, 91 & 92, 105 Pulled: 75 - 78, 84, 96 & 97 Postponed: 71 - 73, 79, 82 & 83, 90, 93 - 95
C14-2019-0055 - Austin FC -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by zoning property locally known as 10414 McKalla Place and 10617 ½ Burnet Road (Little Walnut Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from limited industrial services-neighborhood plan (LI-NP) combining district zoning and north burnet/gateway-neighborhood plan (NBG-NP) combining district zoning to limited industrial services-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant limited industrial services-planned development area-neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: City of Austin-Economic Growth & Redevelopment Department (Greg Kiloh). Agent: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Richard T. Suttle, Jr.). City Staff: Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057.
C14-2019-0017 - Cameron Loop Mobile H/P -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2807 Cameron Loop (South Boggy Creek Watershed) from rural residence (RR) district zoning to mobile home (MH) district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant mobile home (MH) district zoning. Zoning and Platting Commission Recommendation: Forwarded to Council without a recommendation due to lack of an affirmative vote. Owner: 2807 LLC. Applicant: City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department (Heather Chaffin). City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Austin Housing and Finance Corporation Meeting
The Mayor will recess the City Council meeting to conduct a Board of Directors' Meeting of the Austin Housing Finance Corporation. Following adjournment of the AHFC Board meeting the City Council will reconvene. (The AHFC agenda is temporarily located at http://austintexas.gov/department/city-council/2019/20190606-ahfc.htm).
77. NPA-2019-0012.01.SH -The Abali - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 020801-91, the Upper Boggy Creek Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 4603, 4605, 4607, 4609 & 4611 North I.H. 35 SVRD NB (Boggy Creek Watershed) from Office to Multifamily land use. Staff recommendation: To grant Multifamily land use. Planning Commission recommendation: To be reviewed on May 28, 2019. Owner/Applicant: Saeed Moshfegh, Behzad, Bahrami & Nemerow Investments, LLC. Agent: Megan Lash. City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695. 78. C14-2019-0046.SH -The Abali - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 4603, 4605, 4607, 4609 and 4611 N. IH-35 Service Road Northbound (Upper Boggy Creek Watershed) from family residence-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning, limited office-neighborhood plan (LO-NP) combining district zoning, and community commercial-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (GR-CO-NP) combining district zoning to multifamily residence-high density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation: To grant multifamily residence-high density-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (MF-6-CO-NP) combining district zoning. Planning Commission Recommendation: To be reviewed May 28, 2019. Owner: Saeed Moshfegh, Bahrami Behzad & Nemerow Investments, LLC (Saeed Moshfegh). Applicant: The Abali, LLC (Megan Lasch) City Staff: Heather Chaffin, 512-974-2122.
Distinguished Service Award – Jim Smith - To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree.
Proclamation – Hidden Heroes Day – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by Tara Plybon and Lara Garey.
Proclamation – Gus Munson Day – To be presented by Mayor Steve Adler and to be accepted by the honoree.
Proclamation – Stepp-Up Steppers of Austin Day – To be presented by Council Member Natasha Harper-Madison.
Proclamation – William H. Russell Austin Cave Heritage Day – To be presented by Council Member Ann Kitchen and to be accepted by the honoree.
Authorize an amendment to an existing contract with Capital Investing in Development & Employment of Adults, Inc. D/B/A Capital IDEA, to provide continued workforce development services, for an increase in the amount of $319,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $10,672,100.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with Mobility Resource Associates Inc., D/B/A MRA, D/B/A MRA Mobile Experiential, to provide the design, installation, lease and operations of a mobile customer outreach trailer, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,035,000.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., to provide an updated master plan for Austin Resource Recovery, in an amount not to exceed $500,000.
19. Authorize an amendment to an existing cooperative contract with Freeit Data Solutions, Inc., to provide Hewlett Packard Enterprise products, maintenance and support services, for an increase in the amount of $172,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $316,000. 37. Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract with Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc., to provide NetApp network storage products and services, for up to seven years in an amount not to exceed $5,170,000.
21. Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term contract with AHW Consulting LLC, D/B/A Healthworks Ergonomics (WBE), to provide ergonomic consulting services, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,101,500. 22. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Navigant Consulting Inc., or one of the other qualified offerors to Request for Proposals (RFP) 1100 EAL3002, to provide regulatory consulting services in an amount not to exceed $99,000. 23. Authorize negotiation and execution of a contract with Assurance Software Inc., to provide disaster planning and disruption prevention software and services, for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $760,000. 24. Authorize an amendment to an existing contract with ESO Solutions Inc., to continue an electronic patient care record solution and to add an on premise solution for the Firehouse Records Management System, to increase the amount by $816,259, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $1,671,940. 29. Authorize negotiation and execution of four contracts to provide grounds maintenance and mowing services, with Abescape Group LLC; Brightview Landscape Services, Inc.; Great Western Managed Services (WBE); and Unity Contractor Services, Inc. (MBE); each for a term of five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $4,050,000, divided among the contractors. 31. Authorize negotiation and execution of four contracts to provide grounds maintenance and mowing services, with Abescape Group LLC; Brightview Landscape Services, Inc.; Great Western Managed Services (WBE); and Unity Contractor Services, Inc. (MBE); each for a term of five years for total contract amounts not to exceed $4,050,000, divided among the contractors.
Authorize award of a multi-term contract with Texas Office Products & Supply, LLC, to provide the rental of office furniture, for up to three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $472,560.
75. NPA-2019-0027.01- Twin Liquors Maudie’s -Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 20100923-102 the Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Plan, an element of the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan, to change the land use designation on the future land use map (FLUM) on property locally known as 2608 West 7th Street (Johnson Creek Watershed) from Neighborhood Commercial to Mixed Use land use. Staff recommendation and Planning Commission recommendation: To grant Mixed Use land use. Owner/Applicant: TASC Properties, LP (Tracy S. Livingston). Agent: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower). City Staff: Maureen Meredith, (512) 974-2695). 76. C14-2019-0043 - Twin Liquors Maudie’s - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 2606, 2608, and 2610 W 7th Street and 703 Newman Drive (Johnson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning to commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning on tract 1 and from commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning to general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning on tract 2 . Staff recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant commercial liquor sales - neighborhood plan (CS-1-NP) combining district zoning on tract 1 and general commercial services - neighborhood plan (CS-NP) combining district zoning on tract 2. Owner/Applicant: TASC Properties LP (Tracy Livingston. Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower). City Staff: Scott Grantham, 512-974-3574.
Approve an ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2018-19 Fee Schedule (Ordinance No. 20180911-002) to increase the maximum authorized fee for Non-Consent Towing Fees (other than Private Property Tows) for vehicles less than 10,000 pounds from $150 to $195.
Authorize negotiation and execution of a multi-term revenue contract with Pecan Grove Golf Partners, to provide management and operation of the Butler Pitch and Putt golf course, for up to 20 years for a total estimated revenue contract amount of $2,500,000.
C14-2018-0150 - 1804/1806/1808 W 6th St Rezoning - Conduct a public hearing and approve an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 by rezoning property locally known as 1804, 1806, and 1808 W 6th Street (Johnson Creek Watershed). Applicant Request: To rezone from family residence - neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) combining district zoning to limited office - mixed use - neighborhood plan (LO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Staff Recommendation and Planning Commission Recommendation: To grant neighborhood office - mixed use - neighborhood plan (NO-MU-NP) combining district zoning. Owner/Applicant: Syllabus Partners LLC (James Lindsey), Vairea Partners (Peter Pfeiffer). Agent: Syllabus Partners LLC (James A. Lindsey). City Staff: Scott Grantham, 512-974-3574. A valid petition has been filed in opposition to this rezoning request. Adjourn