CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meetings of April 30, 2015 and May 4, 2015. Citizen Communication: General 2. Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
11. Update on strategic facility planning and facility financing options [Financial Services].
Discussion and Possible Action 7. Presentation of the Airport Rental Car Concession Agreement Audit [City Auditor]
8. Presentation of future Council agenda items concerning debt including (a) the August 2015 General Obligation Bond Sale Schedule, including information on projects and equipment to be funded by public improvement bonds, certificates of obligation and contractual obligations and (b) potential refunding of Austin Water Utility debt. [Financial Services Department].
10. Briefing on Public Improvement Districts with Special Assessment Bonds and Petition for Creation of a Public Improvement District by WildHorse Ranch [Financial Services Department].
Items for Committee Consideration 4. Consider and develop recommendations on an E-Filing resolution requiring electronic filing of campaign finance reports in order to allow for public access of a downloadable, searchable database with standard queries.
CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meetings of April 30, 2015 and May 4, 2015. Citizen Communication: General 2. Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
11. Update on strategic facility planning and facility financing options [Financial Services].
Discussion and Possible Action 7. Presentation of the Airport Rental Car Concession Agreement Audit [City Auditor]
8. Presentation of future Council agenda items concerning debt including (a) the August 2015 General Obligation Bond Sale Schedule, including information on projects and equipment to be funded by public improvement bonds, certificates of obligation and contractual obligations and (b) potential refunding of Austin Water Utility debt. [Financial Services Department].
10. Briefing on Public Improvement Districts with Special Assessment Bonds and Petition for Creation of a Public Improvement District by WildHorse Ranch [Financial Services Department].
Items for Committee Consideration 4. Consider and develop recommendations on an E-Filing resolution requiring electronic filing of campaign finance reports in order to allow for public access of a downloadable, searchable database with standard queries.