CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of May 27, 2015. Citizen Communication: General 2. The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
5. Options for providing tax relief to seniors and people with disabilities including tax limitations pursuant to Texas Tax Code Section 11.261 (b), level of property tax exemption for the over 65 and disabled, and other strategies.
4. The Sewer Overflow Prevention and Response Audit, which evaluated the Austin Water Utility's efforts to prevent and respond to sewer overflows from pipes and lift stations (City Auditor).
7. The Office of the City Auditor’s External Peer Review Report covering from May 2012 to April 2015 (City Auditor).
8. Status of health care coverage for persons working for all entities of the City (Human Resources Department).
9. Council Audit and Finance Committee nominations for the Economic & Capital Budget Joint Committee. 10. Consider and develop recommendations on a resolution to create, for purposes of public access, an online system consisting of a downloadable and searchable database, capable of standard querying, for campaign finance filings.
Petition for creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) by WildHorse Ranch (Financial Services). ADJOURN
CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes 1. Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of May 27, 2015. Citizen Communication: General 2. The first five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to speak.
5. Options for providing tax relief to seniors and people with disabilities including tax limitations pursuant to Texas Tax Code Section 11.261 (b), level of property tax exemption for the over 65 and disabled, and other strategies.
4. The Sewer Overflow Prevention and Response Audit, which evaluated the Austin Water Utility's efforts to prevent and respond to sewer overflows from pipes and lift stations (City Auditor).
7. The Office of the City Auditor’s External Peer Review Report covering from May 2012 to April 2015 (City Auditor).
8. Status of health care coverage for persons working for all entities of the City (Human Resources Department).
9. Council Audit and Finance Committee nominations for the Economic & Capital Budget Joint Committee. 10. Consider and develop recommendations on a resolution to create, for purposes of public access, an online system consisting of a downloadable and searchable database, capable of standard querying, for campaign finance filings.
Petition for creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) by WildHorse Ranch (Financial Services). ADJOURN