CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of February 24, 2016
Citizen Communication: General A maximum of five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address topics not posted for committee action. Speakers may also sign up for specific items that the committee may take action on.
Discussion and Possible Action City of Austin Utility Customer Care Audit, which evaluated the customer service provided by Austin Energy to City utility customers (City Auditor). [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
City of Austin Code Investigations and Resolutions Audit, which looked at how consistently Austin Code investigated and enforced code violations (City Auditor). [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
Reappointment of Municipal Civil Service Commissioners and recommendation for a chair for the Municipal Civil Service Commission (Human Resources). [Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
Request from the Zoning and Platting Commission and Planning Commission to create the Joint Comprehensive Plan Committee and Joint Committee on Code and Ordinances, which will consist of members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning and Platting Commission. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Recommendation from the Zero Waste Advisory Commission that Austin City Council seek an independent third party audit of the Austin Resource Recovery department. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Recommendation from the Zero Waste Advisory Commission that Austin City Council prioritize Austin Resource Recovery in the performance and budget review by the Office of Performance Management. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Proposed amendments to City Code Section 2-1-144 relating to the Environmental Commission. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo] ADJOURN
CALL TO ORDER Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee meeting of February 24, 2016
Citizen Communication: General A maximum of five speakers signed up before the meeting is called to order will each be allowed three minutes to address topics not posted for committee action. Speakers may also sign up for specific items that the committee may take action on.
Discussion and Possible Action City of Austin Utility Customer Care Audit, which evaluated the customer service provided by Austin Energy to City utility customers (City Auditor). [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
City of Austin Code Investigations and Resolutions Audit, which looked at how consistently Austin Code investigated and enforced code violations (City Auditor). [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
Reappointment of Municipal Civil Service Commissioners and recommendation for a chair for the Municipal Civil Service Commission (Human Resources). [Notes: SPONSOR: Council Member Leslie Pool, CO 1: Council Member Ellen Troxclair]
Request from the Zoning and Platting Commission and Planning Commission to create the Joint Comprehensive Plan Committee and Joint Committee on Code and Ordinances, which will consist of members of the Planning Commission and the Zoning and Platting Commission. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Recommendation from the Zero Waste Advisory Commission that Austin City Council seek an independent third party audit of the Austin Resource Recovery department. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Recommendation from the Zero Waste Advisory Commission that Austin City Council prioritize Austin Resource Recovery in the performance and budget review by the Office of Performance Management. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo]
Proposed amendments to City Code Section 2-1-144 relating to the Environmental Commission. [Notes: SPONSOR: Mayor Steve Adler, CO 1: Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo] ADJOURN