Consent 1. Approve a resolution repealing and replacing Resolution No. 20180911-AHFC-002 related to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation’s General Obligation Capital Improvement Budget (Capital Budget) for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 in the amount of $44,000,000. 2. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 1 to the 2018-2019 Service Agreement with the City of Austin by increasing funding from the General Obligation Bond Fund in the amount of $42,000,000 for a contract total amount not to exceed $58,873,323. 3. Authorize negotiation and execution of contract amendments to increase the available funding by $2,200,000 and to add an option to extend the 12-month contracts for 120 days with American Youthworks, Austin Area Urban League, Austin Habitat for Humanity, Inc., Easter Seals-Central Texas, Inc., Interfaith Action of Central Texas, Meals on Wheels and More, Inc., and Rebuilding Austin Together for repair of homes eligible through the General Obligation (G.O.) Repair! Program for a combined amount not to exceed $4,200,000. Adjourn
Consent 1. Approve a resolution repealing and replacing Resolution No. 20180911-AHFC-002 related to the Austin Housing Finance Corporation’s General Obligation Capital Improvement Budget (Capital Budget) for Fiscal Year 2018-2019 in the amount of $44,000,000. 2. Authorize negotiation and execution of Amendment No. 1 to the 2018-2019 Service Agreement with the City of Austin by increasing funding from the General Obligation Bond Fund in the amount of $42,000,000 for a contract total amount not to exceed $58,873,323. 3. Authorize negotiation and execution of contract amendments to increase the available funding by $2,200,000 and to add an option to extend the 12-month contracts for 120 days with American Youthworks, Austin Area Urban League, Austin Habitat for Humanity, Inc., Easter Seals-Central Texas, Inc., Interfaith Action of Central Texas, Meals on Wheels and More, Inc., and Rebuilding Austin Together for repair of homes eligible through the General Obligation (G.O.) Repair! Program for a combined amount not to exceed $4,200,000. Adjourn