Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting of June 25, 2019.
Discussion and Possible Action Audit of City of Austin’s Wildfire Preparedness. (City Auditor’s Office)
Audit of Development Services Department Permitting Process Improvements based upon prior audit and consultant reports (City Auditor’s Office)
Update on action taken to address recommendations from the 2017 City’s Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Investigation Practices audit (Human Resources Department)
The Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Draft Audit Plan, which identifies audit projects the City Auditor intends to conduct for the fiscal year (City Auditor)
Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting of June 25, 2019.
Discussion and Possible Action Audit of City of Austin’s Wildfire Preparedness. (City Auditor’s Office)
Audit of Development Services Department Permitting Process Improvements based upon prior audit and consultant reports (City Auditor’s Office)
Update on action taken to address recommendations from the 2017 City’s Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Investigation Practices audit (Human Resources Department)
The Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Draft Audit Plan, which identifies audit projects the City Auditor intends to conduct for the fiscal year (City Auditor)