Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting of August 14, 2019.
Annual Pension Update of the City’s Three Retirement Systems (Austin Fire Fighters Relief and Retirement Fund, Austin Police Retirement System, and the City of Austin Employees’ Retirement System) (Financial Services Department)
7. Discuss update on security audit related to information security management in the City (Security Audit - Sections 551.076 and 551.089 of the Government Code) (City Auditor’s Office) 8. Discuss the state of confidential network security information in the City (Security Devices - Section 551.089 of the Government Code). (Communications and Technology Management) ADJOURN
Approval of Minutes Approve the minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting of August 14, 2019.
Annual Pension Update of the City’s Three Retirement Systems (Austin Fire Fighters Relief and Retirement Fund, Austin Police Retirement System, and the City of Austin Employees’ Retirement System) (Financial Services Department)
7. Discuss update on security audit related to information security management in the City (Security Audit - Sections 551.076 and 551.089 of the Government Code) (City Auditor’s Office) 8. Discuss the state of confidential network security information in the City (Security Devices - Section 551.089 of the Government Code). (Communications and Technology Management) ADJOURN