2. Citizen Communications. 4. Discuss recommending the reappointment of Tom Cook Ward to the Central Health Board of Managers, and take appropriate action.
Award of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community Transformation Grant and update on CDC Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant (Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD).
Status Report on new Animal Shelter and Implementation Plan to Reduce Animal Intake and Increase Live Animal Outcomes, and take appropriate action if necessary (Abigail Smith, Chief Animal Services Officer).
7. Discussion of fluoride in public drinking waters, and take appropriate action if necessary (Carlos Rivera, Director, HHSD, Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD).
Discussion of fluoride in public drinking waters, and take appropriate action if necessary (Carlos Rivera, Director, HHSD, Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD). 8. Consider agenda items for next meeting, scheduled for 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 17th, 2012, or at the call of the committee chair. Adjourn
2. Citizen Communications. 4. Discuss recommending the reappointment of Tom Cook Ward to the Central Health Board of Managers, and take appropriate action.
Award of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community Transformation Grant and update on CDC Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant (Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD).
Status Report on new Animal Shelter and Implementation Plan to Reduce Animal Intake and Increase Live Animal Outcomes, and take appropriate action if necessary (Abigail Smith, Chief Animal Services Officer).
7. Discussion of fluoride in public drinking waters, and take appropriate action if necessary (Carlos Rivera, Director, HHSD, Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD).
Discussion of fluoride in public drinking waters, and take appropriate action if necessary (Carlos Rivera, Director, HHSD, Dr. Philip Huang, Medical Director, HHSD). 8. Consider agenda items for next meeting, scheduled for 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 17th, 2012, or at the call of the committee chair. Adjourn