Review and approval of minutes for the committee meeting held Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 and Friday, October 31st, 2014.
Reappointment of Central Health Board Member Katrina Daniel, whose term expires December 31st, 2014.
Staff briefing on the update on the Asian American Quality of Life Project (Resolution 20131024-085) to provide an update on the work that has occurred to date. (Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager).
Staff briefing on a social services funding metric/index proposal, requested by City Council, based on peer city research (Stephanie Hayden, Assistant Director, HHSD; Robert Kingham, Manager, HHSD).
Staff briefing on public health accreditation of the Health and Human Services Department by the Public Health Accreditation Board including accreditation purpose, incentives, requirements, stakeholder engagement, and progress. (Carlos Rivera, Director; HHSD; Shannon Jones, Deputy Director, HHSD; Dr. Philip Huang, Health Authority, HHSD; Veena Viswanathan, Program Manager, HHSD).
Staff briefing on the impacts of House Bill 2 which passed the second special session of the 83rd legislature, relating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers, and facilities (Dr. Rosamaria Murillo, Assistant Director; HHSD).
Staff briefing on a resolution urging Congress to stop the misuse of antibiotics on factory farms and the issue of antibiotic resistance. (John Qua, Texas Organizer, Food & Water Watch). Adjourn
Review and approval of minutes for the committee meeting held Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 and Friday, October 31st, 2014.
Reappointment of Central Health Board Member Katrina Daniel, whose term expires December 31st, 2014.
Staff briefing on the update on the Asian American Quality of Life Project (Resolution 20131024-085) to provide an update on the work that has occurred to date. (Rey Arellano, Assistant City Manager).
Staff briefing on a social services funding metric/index proposal, requested by City Council, based on peer city research (Stephanie Hayden, Assistant Director, HHSD; Robert Kingham, Manager, HHSD).
Staff briefing on public health accreditation of the Health and Human Services Department by the Public Health Accreditation Board including accreditation purpose, incentives, requirements, stakeholder engagement, and progress. (Carlos Rivera, Director; HHSD; Shannon Jones, Deputy Director, HHSD; Dr. Philip Huang, Health Authority, HHSD; Veena Viswanathan, Program Manager, HHSD).
Staff briefing on the impacts of House Bill 2 which passed the second special session of the 83rd legislature, relating to the regulation of abortion procedures, providers, and facilities (Dr. Rosamaria Murillo, Assistant Director; HHSD).
Staff briefing on a resolution urging Congress to stop the misuse of antibiotics on factory farms and the issue of antibiotic resistance. (John Qua, Texas Organizer, Food & Water Watch). Adjourn