Citizen Communication (Part 1 of 3)
Call to Order Citizen Communications: GENERAL General Citizen Communication is limited to 20 speakers and requires registration in advance of the meeting. These registrations are posted on the agenda so Council can engage in a full discussion of the topics. 1. Helen Miller- Parks and Recreation Department 2. Peter Shen- TBD 3. carolanneroseKENNEDY- GOD BLESS... 4. W. Chris McDougall- TBD 5. Rochelle Day- Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics. I would like to speak about Austin supporting an amendment to the US Constitution to Reverse Citizens United and other disastrous Supreme Court decisions. To reestablish our democracy we need to get money out of politics. 6. John Kinney- Contrary to the expectation of most Austinites, a City-issued building permit is NO guarantee that you can build the permitted design. A developer can obtain a permit for a particular design only to learn at any time during construction that the City building permit can be TRUMPED by a neighborhood association without regard to the cost to the developer. 7. Teddy L. Kinney- Neighborhood planning tools 8. Susan Schaffel- Animal control issue 9. Stanley Bacon- Covert Park improve project 10. Willie Lewis- Non profit tax exemption 11. Carol Solesbee- Additional resources that could be providing service to our low income residents in the Austin/Travis County area. I have researched the information on the Central Health website and see no mention of any profession other than doctors/nurses.
Citizen Communication (Part 2 of 3)
12. Gene Kuntz II- I see low income residents of Austin on the streets that are obviously in need of medical assistance and wonder why the City has not pushed for full use of all available medical personnel to help provide care to them. I know that there are avenues available to provide low cost care to help the helpless. I look forward to an opportunity of discussing this with the City Council. 13. Ronnie Reeferseed- Peace, freedom, fluoride and the killgrid. 14. Carlos León- 1. Chem trails- Geo Engineering 2. TBD 15. Ian Luker- Putting up signs at dog parks 16. Clay Dafoe- TBD
Citizen Communication (Part 3 of 3)
Citizen Communications: OPEN Open Citizens' Communication allows for registration on the day of the forum. The number of speakers is limited by the noon meeting deadline. Council will only be able to listen to these topics and not engage in a dialogue with the citizens. Adjournment
Citizen Communication (Part 1 of 3)
Call to Order Citizen Communications: GENERAL General Citizen Communication is limited to 20 speakers and requires registration in advance of the meeting. These registrations are posted on the agenda so Council can engage in a full discussion of the topics. 1. Helen Miller- Parks and Recreation Department 2. Peter Shen- TBD 3. carolanneroseKENNEDY- GOD BLESS... 4. W. Chris McDougall- TBD 5. Rochelle Day- Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics. I would like to speak about Austin supporting an amendment to the US Constitution to Reverse Citizens United and other disastrous Supreme Court decisions. To reestablish our democracy we need to get money out of politics. 6. John Kinney- Contrary to the expectation of most Austinites, a City-issued building permit is NO guarantee that you can build the permitted design. A developer can obtain a permit for a particular design only to learn at any time during construction that the City building permit can be TRUMPED by a neighborhood association without regard to the cost to the developer. 7. Teddy L. Kinney- Neighborhood planning tools 8. Susan Schaffel- Animal control issue 9. Stanley Bacon- Covert Park improve project 10. Willie Lewis- Non profit tax exemption 11. Carol Solesbee- Additional resources that could be providing service to our low income residents in the Austin/Travis County area. I have researched the information on the Central Health website and see no mention of any profession other than doctors/nurses.
Citizen Communication (Part 2 of 3)
12. Gene Kuntz II- I see low income residents of Austin on the streets that are obviously in need of medical assistance and wonder why the City has not pushed for full use of all available medical personnel to help provide care to them. I know that there are avenues available to provide low cost care to help the helpless. I look forward to an opportunity of discussing this with the City Council. 13. Ronnie Reeferseed- Peace, freedom, fluoride and the killgrid. 14. Carlos León- 1. Chem trails- Geo Engineering 2. TBD 15. Ian Luker- Putting up signs at dog parks 16. Clay Dafoe- TBD
Citizen Communication (Part 3 of 3)
Citizen Communications: OPEN Open Citizens' Communication allows for registration on the day of the forum. The number of speakers is limited by the noon meeting deadline. Council will only be able to listen to these topics and not engage in a dialogue with the citizens. Adjournment