1. Authorize negotiation and execution of agreements with Precourt Sports Ventures, LLC, or its affiliates, related to the construction, lease, and occupancy of a sports stadium and associated infrastructure and development on a city-owned site located at 10414 McKalla Place, under terms outlined in a term sheet. 2. Council discussion and possible action related to plans submitted in response to Resolution No. 20180628-060 regarding development on a city-owned site located at 10414 McKalla Place. Adjourn
1. Authorize negotiation and execution of agreements with Precourt Sports Ventures, LLC, or its affiliates, related to the construction, lease, and occupancy of a sports stadium and associated infrastructure and development on a city-owned site located at 10414 McKalla Place, under terms outlined in a term sheet. 2. Council discussion and possible action related to plans submitted in response to Resolution No. 20180628-060 regarding development on a city-owned site located at 10414 McKalla Place. Adjourn