APPROVAL OF MINUTES A-1 Draft minutes – July 10, 2017 A-2 Draft minutes – July 17, 2017 (Workshop)
H-1 C15-2015-0147 Robert Kleeman 8901 West Highway 71 REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 8, 2018 BY APPLICANT The appellant has filed an appeal challenging a Land Use Determination and related development approvals made in connection with the approval of an outdoor amphitheater located at LifeAustin Church, 8901 West State Highway 71, including decisions to classify the use as “religious assembly” and to subsequently approve Site Plan No. SP- 2011-0185C, an associated restrictive covenant, and a building permit. The appellant disagrees that, among other things, the Land Use Determination and related development approvals incorrectly treat various outdoor activities held at educational and religious assembly facilities as part of the principal use rather than as temporary activities subject to City Code Section 25-2-921(C) in an “RR-NP”, Rural Residential – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West Oak Hill) H-2 C15-2015-0168 Robert Kleeman 8901 West Highway 71 REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 8, 2018 BY APPLICANT The appellant has requested that the Board of Adjustment interpret whether staff erred in making an administrative decision to approve site plan correction number 12 to the current site plan of this property (SP-2011-185C (R1)), thereby authorizing construction of a disc golf course and outdoor dog park at this church facility in a “RR-NP”, Rural Residential – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West Oak Hill) L-1 C15-2017-0025 Phil Moncada for John Sanchez 916 Jewell Street REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the street side yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested, existing home) in order to permit a new single family home in a “SF-3-NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Bouldin) L-2 C15-2017-0026 Ron Thrower for Eric Behrens 1814, 1816, 1820 Kenwood Avenue WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) at: A. 1814 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 1.1 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and from 5 feet (required) to 0 feet (requested, existing) for a carport and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .7 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure; and at B. 1816 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 1.4 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .6 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure; and at C. 1820 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 3.4 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .5 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure in order to permit an amended plat in a “SF-3-NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (South River City) L-4 C15-2017-0037 Henry Juarez for Sal Martinez 3012 & 3014 East 14th ½ Street REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-943 (D) (Substandard Lot) to permit a substandard lot that is aggregated with other property to form a site may not be disaggregated after August 6, 2007 to form a site that is smaller than the minimum lot area requirements (required) to be disaggregated (requested) in order to permit a new single family home on each lot and one additional dwelling unit on one lot in a “SF-3- NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Rosewood) L-5 C15-2017-0038 Aruna Chindalore 9101 Sautelle Lane REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO OCTOBER 9, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to: A. Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the street side yard setback from 15 feet (required) to .5 feet (requested, existing); and to B. increase the impervious cover from 45% (required) to 46.9% (requested, existing); and to C. Section 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) to decrease the through lot rear yard from 25 feet (required) to 10 feet (requested, existing) in order to permit a recently constructed meditation studio and older gazebo in a “SF-2”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0029 Paloma Efron 4412 Barrow Avenue The applicant has requested a Special Exception under Section 25-2-476 (Special Exception) from Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to: A. decrease the side yard setback from 5 feet (required) to 4.7 feet (requested, existing); and to B. decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to 9.7 feet (requested, existing) in order to maintain an accessory structure that has been at this location for at least 10 years in a “SF-3-CO-NP”, Family Residence - Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Hancock)
C15-2017-0031 Brandon & Maureen Lamb 2005 Bluebonnet Lane, Unit A The applicant has requested a variance from Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2: Development Standards, Subsection 2.1 (Maximum Development Permitted) to increase the maximum floor to area ratio from 0.4 to 1.0 (required, permitted) to 0.439 to 1.0 (requested) in order to maintain a recently added garage door to an existing carport (which created a 3 wall structure that does not comply with the gross floor area exemption) in an “SF-3”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0034 Casey Giles for Ryan Diepenbrock 1600 and 1606 South 1st Street The applicant has requested variance(s) to Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) to: A. (B) to allow a concrete or equivalent pedestrian walkway structure up to the south property line within the 25 foot setback from property in an urban family residence SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located; and to B. (C) (1) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is 50 feet or less from property along the south property line that is either in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 2 stories and 30 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55’ (requested); and to C. (C) (2) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet or less from property along the south property line that is either in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 3 stories and 40 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55’ (requested); and to D. (C) (3) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property along the south and west property lines that is zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, from 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive from 3 stories and 40 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55 feet (requested) in order to construct a 4-story mixed use structure in a “CS-MU-V-CO-NP”, General Commercial Services – Mixed Use – Vertical Mixed Use - Conditional Overlay - Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Bouldin)
C15-2017-0041 Marc Bergeron 1701 Treadwell Street The applicant has requested a variance to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Requirements) to increase the maximum impervious cover from 45% (required/permitted) to 48.5% (requested) in order to maintain a recently remodeled garage as a 2nd dwelling unit in a “SF-3”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0040 A. Ron Thrower for Aaron Levy 7513 Cooper Lane The applicant has requested variance(s) from Article 10, Compatibility Standards Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) (B) to decrease the required setback from a property in an urban family residence (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 25 feet (required) to 2 feet (requested) in order to erect a private drive for 30 unit condominium use in a “SF-6-CO”, Townhouse and Condominium Residence – Conditional Overlay zoning district.
C15-2017-0042 Richard Suttle Jr. for Washoe Company 414 W MLK Jr. Blvd. & 1901, 1903 San Antonio Street The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-6, Appendix A (Tables of Off- Street Parking and Loading Requirements), Schedule C – Off-Street Loading Requirement, to reduce the number of required loading spaces from 3 loading spaces (required) to 1 loading space (requested) in order to erect a hotel with accessory uses in a “GR-NP”, Community Commercial -Neighborhood Plan and “CS-NP”, General Commercial Services – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West University, Inner West Campus Sub-District)
N-2 Discussion of AE review process to added to the BOA Rules of Procedures O. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Leane Heldenfels at Planning & Development Review Department, at 512-974-2202 or Diana Ramirez at Planning & Development Review Department at 512-974-2241, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES A-1 Draft minutes – July 10, 2017 A-2 Draft minutes – July 17, 2017 (Workshop)
H-1 C15-2015-0147 Robert Kleeman 8901 West Highway 71 REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 8, 2018 BY APPLICANT The appellant has filed an appeal challenging a Land Use Determination and related development approvals made in connection with the approval of an outdoor amphitheater located at LifeAustin Church, 8901 West State Highway 71, including decisions to classify the use as “religious assembly” and to subsequently approve Site Plan No. SP- 2011-0185C, an associated restrictive covenant, and a building permit. The appellant disagrees that, among other things, the Land Use Determination and related development approvals incorrectly treat various outdoor activities held at educational and religious assembly facilities as part of the principal use rather than as temporary activities subject to City Code Section 25-2-921(C) in an “RR-NP”, Rural Residential – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West Oak Hill) H-2 C15-2015-0168 Robert Kleeman 8901 West Highway 71 REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO JANUARY 8, 2018 BY APPLICANT The appellant has requested that the Board of Adjustment interpret whether staff erred in making an administrative decision to approve site plan correction number 12 to the current site plan of this property (SP-2011-185C (R1)), thereby authorizing construction of a disc golf course and outdoor dog park at this church facility in a “RR-NP”, Rural Residential – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West Oak Hill) L-1 C15-2017-0025 Phil Moncada for John Sanchez 916 Jewell Street REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the street side yard setback from 15 feet (required) to 5 feet (requested, existing home) in order to permit a new single family home in a “SF-3-NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Bouldin) L-2 C15-2017-0026 Ron Thrower for Eric Behrens 1814, 1816, 1820 Kenwood Avenue WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) at: A. 1814 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 1.1 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and from 5 feet (required) to 0 feet (requested, existing) for a carport and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .7 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure; and at B. 1816 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 1.4 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .6 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure; and at C. 1820 Kenwood Avenue to decrease the side yard setback on the northern property line from 5 feet (required) to 3.4 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure and to decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to .5 feet (requested, existing) for an accessory structure in order to permit an amended plat in a “SF-3-NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (South River City) L-4 C15-2017-0037 Henry Juarez for Sal Martinez 3012 & 3014 East 14th ½ Street REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-2-943 (D) (Substandard Lot) to permit a substandard lot that is aggregated with other property to form a site may not be disaggregated after August 6, 2007 to form a site that is smaller than the minimum lot area requirements (required) to be disaggregated (requested) in order to permit a new single family home on each lot and one additional dwelling unit on one lot in a “SF-3- NP”, Family Residence – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Rosewood) L-5 C15-2017-0038 Aruna Chindalore 9101 Sautelle Lane REQUESTING POSTPONEMENT TO OCTOBER 9, 2017 BY APPLICANT The applicant has requested variance(s) to: A. Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to decrease the street side yard setback from 15 feet (required) to .5 feet (requested, existing); and to B. increase the impervious cover from 45% (required) to 46.9% (requested, existing); and to C. Section 25-2-515 (Rear Yard of Through Lot) to decrease the through lot rear yard from 25 feet (required) to 10 feet (requested, existing) in order to permit a recently constructed meditation studio and older gazebo in a “SF-2”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0029 Paloma Efron 4412 Barrow Avenue The applicant has requested a Special Exception under Section 25-2-476 (Special Exception) from Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Regulations) to: A. decrease the side yard setback from 5 feet (required) to 4.7 feet (requested, existing); and to B. decrease the rear yard setback from 10 feet (required) to 9.7 feet (requested, existing) in order to maintain an accessory structure that has been at this location for at least 10 years in a “SF-3-CO-NP”, Family Residence - Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Hancock)
C15-2017-0031 Brandon & Maureen Lamb 2005 Bluebonnet Lane, Unit A The applicant has requested a variance from Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards, Article 2: Development Standards, Subsection 2.1 (Maximum Development Permitted) to increase the maximum floor to area ratio from 0.4 to 1.0 (required, permitted) to 0.439 to 1.0 (requested) in order to maintain a recently added garage door to an existing carport (which created a 3 wall structure that does not comply with the gross floor area exemption) in an “SF-3”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0034 Casey Giles for Ryan Diepenbrock 1600 and 1606 South 1st Street The applicant has requested variance(s) to Article 10, Compatibility Standards, Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) to: A. (B) to allow a concrete or equivalent pedestrian walkway structure up to the south property line within the 25 foot setback from property in an urban family residence SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located; and to B. (C) (1) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is 50 feet or less from property along the south property line that is either in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 2 stories and 30 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55’ (requested); and to C. (C) (2) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet or less from property along the south property line that is either in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 3 stories and 40 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55’ (requested); and to D. (C) (3) to increase the allowed height of a structure that is more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property along the south and west property lines that is zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, from 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive from 3 stories and 40 feet (required, permitted) to 4 stories and 55 feet (requested) in order to construct a 4-story mixed use structure in a “CS-MU-V-CO-NP”, General Commercial Services – Mixed Use – Vertical Mixed Use - Conditional Overlay - Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (Bouldin)
C15-2017-0041 Marc Bergeron 1701 Treadwell Street The applicant has requested a variance to Section 25-2-492 (D) (Site Development Requirements) to increase the maximum impervious cover from 45% (required/permitted) to 48.5% (requested) in order to maintain a recently remodeled garage as a 2nd dwelling unit in a “SF-3”, Family Residence zoning district.
C15-2017-0040 A. Ron Thrower for Aaron Levy 7513 Cooper Lane The applicant has requested variance(s) from Article 10, Compatibility Standards Section 25-2-1063 (Height Limitations and Setbacks for Large Sites) (B) to decrease the required setback from a property in an urban family residence (SF-5) or more restrictive zoning district or on which a use permitted in SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district is located from 25 feet (required) to 2 feet (requested) in order to erect a private drive for 30 unit condominium use in a “SF-6-CO”, Townhouse and Condominium Residence – Conditional Overlay zoning district.
C15-2017-0042 Richard Suttle Jr. for Washoe Company 414 W MLK Jr. Blvd. & 1901, 1903 San Antonio Street The applicant has requested variance(s) to Section 25-6, Appendix A (Tables of Off- Street Parking and Loading Requirements), Schedule C – Off-Street Loading Requirement, to reduce the number of required loading spaces from 3 loading spaces (required) to 1 loading space (requested) in order to erect a hotel with accessory uses in a “GR-NP”, Community Commercial -Neighborhood Plan and “CS-NP”, General Commercial Services – Neighborhood Plan zoning district. (West University, Inner West Campus Sub-District)
N-2 Discussion of AE review process to added to the BOA Rules of Procedures O. ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days before the meeting date. Please call Leane Heldenfels at Planning & Development Review Department, at 512-974-2202 or Diana Ramirez at Planning & Development Review Department at 512-974-2241, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711.