CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL Speaker should sign up to speak prior to the meeting called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment for concerns not posted on the agenda.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION ITEMS a. Approve the minutes of the Environment Board regular meeting on April 4, 2012 and April 18, 2012
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Discuss BCCP response to Board request for biologist review of Regents School cave – Willie Conrad, Austin Water Utility
Briefing of the City of Austin Bike Master Plan, how the trails connect to the bike system, and how can the City of Austin improve air quality by increasing the use of bicycles – Annick Beaudet and Greg Griffin, Campo
Update on SOS Amendment for Barton Springs Pool By-Pass Improvements – Johnnie Price, P.E.,Watershed Protection Department
5. OLD BUSINESS AND REPORTS 1) Update on the Joint Environmental/Parks Board Subcommittee – Mary Gay Maxwell, Mary Ann Neely, and Jennifer Walker. 2) Urban Growth Policy Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, James Schissler, P. E., and Marisa Perales 3) Water Treatment Plant #4 Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, Chair, Bob Anderson, & Mary Ann Neely 4) Development Committee – Bob Anderson, Chair, Mary Gay Maxwell, Marisa Perales, & James Schissler 5) Water Quality Regulations Committee – Mary Ann Neely, Chair, & Robin Gary 6) Watershed Protection Budget Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, & Bob Anderson 7) Reports from Board representative to other committees 6. NEW BUSINESS - Future agenda items 7. ADJOURNMENT
CALL TO ORDER 1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL Speaker should sign up to speak prior to the meeting called to order; you will receive a three-minute allotment for concerns not posted on the agenda.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ACTION ITEMS a. Approve the minutes of the Environment Board regular meeting on April 4, 2012 and April 18, 2012
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Name: Estates at Travis Country C14-2012-0016 Applicant: Austin Independent School District (Paul Turner) Location: 4806-1/2 Trail West Drive Watershed: Barton Creek Watershed-Barton Springs Zone, East Oak Hill NPA Staff Reviewer: Clark Patterson, Planning and Development Review Department Request: Planning Commission asking for the Environmental Board’s review of (Zoning) P-NP to SF 2-NP Staff Recommendation: Recommended approval
Discuss BCCP response to Board request for biologist review of Regents School cave – Willie Conrad, Austin Water Utility
Briefing of the City of Austin Bike Master Plan, how the trails connect to the bike system, and how can the City of Austin improve air quality by increasing the use of bicycles – Annick Beaudet and Greg Griffin, Campo
Update on SOS Amendment for Barton Springs Pool By-Pass Improvements – Johnnie Price, P.E.,Watershed Protection Department
5. OLD BUSINESS AND REPORTS 1) Update on the Joint Environmental/Parks Board Subcommittee – Mary Gay Maxwell, Mary Ann Neely, and Jennifer Walker. 2) Urban Growth Policy Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, James Schissler, P. E., and Marisa Perales 3) Water Treatment Plant #4 Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, Chair, Bob Anderson, & Mary Ann Neely 4) Development Committee – Bob Anderson, Chair, Mary Gay Maxwell, Marisa Perales, & James Schissler 5) Water Quality Regulations Committee – Mary Ann Neely, Chair, & Robin Gary 6) Watershed Protection Budget Committee – Mary Gay Maxwell, & Bob Anderson 7) Reports from Board representative to other committees 6. NEW BUSINESS - Future agenda items 7. ADJOURNMENT