2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 28, 2015 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS C14H-2003-0001 George Peterson House 1012 E 8th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Construct a two story guest house and garage at the rear of the property. Demolish existing non-contributing and historic garage. Applicant: EM Peavler City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Committee Reviewed and supports the proposal with changes that the applicant has incorporated into the submitted plans. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness as all of the changes to the property are in keeping with the architecture of the property. The garage and guest house addition, while taller than the historic/principal structure, cannot be seen from the street when standing in front of the house and will be minimally visible while at the corner of the lot. The new building takes its ques from the historic building, but with a different roof line and the addition of board and batten at the second level distinguishes itself from the principal structure. 4. LHD-2015-0020 Hyde Park Local Historic District 4404 Speedway Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a two story addition on the rear of the structure and a one story garage. Applicant: William R. Vansickle City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Committee Reviewed and supports the proposal as submitted. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposal as submitted as the design meets all of the standards of the Hyde Park Design Standard that relate to additions 5. C14H-1977-0011 – Sebron Sneed House 1801 Nelms Drive Council District 2 Proposal: Repair and stabilization of the remaining stone walls; clear vegetation and debris from the site. Applicant: Tracy Chen City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the application for stabilization and sealing the tops of the limestone walls to prevent further deterioration, but reserve the right to determine any further stabilization measures necessary for long-term preservation; retain any fallen rock on the site for re-use to the greatest extent possible; follow the directives (listed in the staff report) from a preservation professional regarding the materials and processes for stabilization of the walls. C. REVIEW OF PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS 2. NRD-2015-0092 2606 Harris Blvd Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new two story single family residence Applicant: Michael Stouse City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 3. NRD-2015-0093 1410 Woodlawn Boulevard Council District 9 Proposal: Construct two new three story multi-family units Applicant: Stuart Sampley City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application and encourage the application to consider alternatives to the roof access shape as it provides an awkward shape and form to the overall building. Other than the roof shape the building had a similar shape, fenestration pattern, and materials of other buildings in the district. 4. NRD-2015-0096 704 Oakland Boulevard Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a rear addition and additional height to the existing addition. Applicant: Ernesto Peralez City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 5. NRD-2015-0098 1100 Toyath Street Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story and basement rear addition. Applicant: Nisha Ackerman, City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 6. NRD-2015-0105 2502 Jarratt Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story rear addition and new garage. Applicant: James Holland City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 7. NRD-2015-0106 1404 Northwood Road Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new 2 story single family residence. Applicant: Hector Avila City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application with the following recommendations. The front windows that currently have a diamond pattern should be a multi-pane window to match the pattern in the French doors on the first floor and to either remove the square transoms above the windows or have a transom that matches the design over the French doors. Otherwise the design is a new traditional design that is compatible and sensitive to the architecture in the neighborhood. 8. NRD-2015-0107 2517 Hartford Road Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new 2 story single family residence. Applicant: Hector Avila City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 9. NRD-2015-0109 617 West Lynn Street Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a rear addition to maintain the same height as the existing building. Applicant: Marzia Volpe City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 11. NRD-2015-0114 111 Congress Avenue, Building II Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story commercial building Applicant: CJ MacQuarrie City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 12. NRD-2015-0116 3208 Beverly Road Council District 10 Proposal: Construct a rear 2 story addition. Applicant: Annie Laurie Grabiel City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted D. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION 5. HDP-2015-0784 1506 Bouldin Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Relocate a ca. 1939 house to outside the city. Applicant: Chris Krager City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Adaptively re-use the house is possible, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. 6. HDP-2015-0874 and -0875 2819 and 2821 Manor Road Council District 1 Proposal: Relocate four Calcasieu cottages moved to this site in 1963 to a new site on Harold Court, Austin. Applicant: David Kanne City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Release the relocation permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. The applicant has found a new site for cottages that will be part of a planned community of small, energy- efficient houses and communal gardens in far East Austin, with a goal of 25% of the residential units being affordable. 7. HDP-2015-0886 1408 E. 6th Street Council District 3 Proposal: Relocate a ca. 1895 house to 6407 Porter Street, Austin. Applicant: Sean Reynolds City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, and erect a plaque at this site, commemorating the history of the neighborhood, especially in conjunction with the adjacent railroad facilities.
1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 5. BRIEFINGS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION. Seaholm Intake Facility RFP: Discussion of the City’s plans for the Seaholm Redevelopment Project and Possible Action/Recommendations
PUBLIC HEARINGS DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING APPLICATIONS, and REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE C14H-2015-0002 – Pine Street Station / Humble Oil Depot 414 Waller Street and 1101 E. 5th Street Consider the additional building at the Pine Street Station site for historic zoning. Council District 3 Applicant: Historic Landmark Commission, upon a request by Liz Purcell. City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Staff cannot recommend designation of the additional building as a historic landmark. The front (eastern-most) section of the building, which was part of the original Humble Oil depot, has been designated as a historic landmark and has been approved for relocation to another railroad-related site in East Austin. The second building proposed for historic designation is probably contemporary to the original depot compound, but there is no definitive proof of its date of construction, and it is built on a slab rather than pier-and-beam, making its relocation impossible and also putting into question its actual date of construction. Further, the building is in the city right-of-way, and is therefore an illegal encroachment. Staff continues to recommend archival documentation of the entire complex and the erection of an interpretive marker and display detailing the history of the site and its place in railroad history, as well as its later history as the center of the arts and music renaissance in East Austin in its incarnation as Pine Street Station.
DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION HDP-2014-1083 1611 Walnut Avenue Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1925 house. Applicant: Sal Martinez, MX3 Homes City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Initiate historic zoning on this property. The house is architecturally significant as an excellent example of 1920s vernacular architecture and has deep significance within the traditional community as the home of a neighborhood icon.
HDP-2015-0658 3800 Balcones Drive Council District 10 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1957 house. Applicant: Soledad Builders City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Staff must very reluctantly recommend release of the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Please see the full staff report for the justification for this recommendation.
COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Certificates of Appropriateness Review Committee B. Operations Committee C. Grants Committee D. Preservation Plan Committee
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 28, 2015 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS C14H-2003-0001 George Peterson House 1012 E 8th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Construct a two story guest house and garage at the rear of the property. Demolish existing non-contributing and historic garage. Applicant: EM Peavler City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Committee Reviewed and supports the proposal with changes that the applicant has incorporated into the submitted plans. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness as all of the changes to the property are in keeping with the architecture of the property. The garage and guest house addition, while taller than the historic/principal structure, cannot be seen from the street when standing in front of the house and will be minimally visible while at the corner of the lot. The new building takes its ques from the historic building, but with a different roof line and the addition of board and batten at the second level distinguishes itself from the principal structure. 4. LHD-2015-0020 Hyde Park Local Historic District 4404 Speedway Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a two story addition on the rear of the structure and a one story garage. Applicant: William R. Vansickle City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Committee Reviewed and supports the proposal as submitted. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposal as submitted as the design meets all of the standards of the Hyde Park Design Standard that relate to additions 5. C14H-1977-0011 – Sebron Sneed House 1801 Nelms Drive Council District 2 Proposal: Repair and stabilization of the remaining stone walls; clear vegetation and debris from the site. Applicant: Tracy Chen City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the application for stabilization and sealing the tops of the limestone walls to prevent further deterioration, but reserve the right to determine any further stabilization measures necessary for long-term preservation; retain any fallen rock on the site for re-use to the greatest extent possible; follow the directives (listed in the staff report) from a preservation professional regarding the materials and processes for stabilization of the walls. C. REVIEW OF PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS 2. NRD-2015-0092 2606 Harris Blvd Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new two story single family residence Applicant: Michael Stouse City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 3. NRD-2015-0093 1410 Woodlawn Boulevard Council District 9 Proposal: Construct two new three story multi-family units Applicant: Stuart Sampley City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application and encourage the application to consider alternatives to the roof access shape as it provides an awkward shape and form to the overall building. Other than the roof shape the building had a similar shape, fenestration pattern, and materials of other buildings in the district. 4. NRD-2015-0096 704 Oakland Boulevard Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a rear addition and additional height to the existing addition. Applicant: Ernesto Peralez City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 5. NRD-2015-0098 1100 Toyath Street Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story and basement rear addition. Applicant: Nisha Ackerman, City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 6. NRD-2015-0105 2502 Jarratt Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story rear addition and new garage. Applicant: James Holland City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 7. NRD-2015-0106 1404 Northwood Road Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new 2 story single family residence. Applicant: Hector Avila City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application with the following recommendations. The front windows that currently have a diamond pattern should be a multi-pane window to match the pattern in the French doors on the first floor and to either remove the square transoms above the windows or have a transom that matches the design over the French doors. Otherwise the design is a new traditional design that is compatible and sensitive to the architecture in the neighborhood. 8. NRD-2015-0107 2517 Hartford Road Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new 2 story single family residence. Applicant: Hector Avila City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 9. NRD-2015-0109 617 West Lynn Street Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a rear addition to maintain the same height as the existing building. Applicant: Marzia Volpe City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 11. NRD-2015-0114 111 Congress Avenue, Building II Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a one story commercial building Applicant: CJ MacQuarrie City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted. 12. NRD-2015-0116 3208 Beverly Road Council District 10 Proposal: Construct a rear 2 story addition. Applicant: Annie Laurie Grabiel City Staff: Beth Johnson, Historic Preservation Office, 974-7801 Staff Recommendation: Release the application as submitted D. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION 5. HDP-2015-0784 1506 Bouldin Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Relocate a ca. 1939 house to outside the city. Applicant: Chris Krager City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Adaptively re-use the house is possible, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. 6. HDP-2015-0874 and -0875 2819 and 2821 Manor Road Council District 1 Proposal: Relocate four Calcasieu cottages moved to this site in 1963 to a new site on Harold Court, Austin. Applicant: David Kanne City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Release the relocation permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. The applicant has found a new site for cottages that will be part of a planned community of small, energy- efficient houses and communal gardens in far East Austin, with a goal of 25% of the residential units being affordable. 7. HDP-2015-0886 1408 E. 6th Street Council District 3 Proposal: Relocate a ca. 1895 house to 6407 Porter Street, Austin. Applicant: Sean Reynolds City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, and erect a plaque at this site, commemorating the history of the neighborhood, especially in conjunction with the adjacent railroad facilities.
1. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first three speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. 5. BRIEFINGS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION. Seaholm Intake Facility RFP: Discussion of the City’s plans for the Seaholm Redevelopment Project and Possible Action/Recommendations
PUBLIC HEARINGS DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING APPLICATIONS, and REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE C14H-2015-0002 – Pine Street Station / Humble Oil Depot 414 Waller Street and 1101 E. 5th Street Consider the additional building at the Pine Street Station site for historic zoning. Council District 3 Applicant: Historic Landmark Commission, upon a request by Liz Purcell. City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Staff cannot recommend designation of the additional building as a historic landmark. The front (eastern-most) section of the building, which was part of the original Humble Oil depot, has been designated as a historic landmark and has been approved for relocation to another railroad-related site in East Austin. The second building proposed for historic designation is probably contemporary to the original depot compound, but there is no definitive proof of its date of construction, and it is built on a slab rather than pier-and-beam, making its relocation impossible and also putting into question its actual date of construction. Further, the building is in the city right-of-way, and is therefore an illegal encroachment. Staff continues to recommend archival documentation of the entire complex and the erection of an interpretive marker and display detailing the history of the site and its place in railroad history, as well as its later history as the center of the arts and music renaissance in East Austin in its incarnation as Pine Street Station.
DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION HDP-2014-1083 1611 Walnut Avenue Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1925 house. Applicant: Sal Martinez, MX3 Homes City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Initiate historic zoning on this property. The house is architecturally significant as an excellent example of 1920s vernacular architecture and has deep significance within the traditional community as the home of a neighborhood icon.
HDP-2015-0658 3800 Balcones Drive Council District 10 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1957 house. Applicant: Soledad Builders City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Staff must very reluctantly recommend release of the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Please see the full staff report for the justification for this recommendation.
COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Certificates of Appropriateness Review Committee B. Operations Committee C. Grants Committee D. Preservation Plan Committee