A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board meeting of February 25, 2014.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
D. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Consent Make a recommendation to the City Council for the acquisition of 4700 Winnebago as parkland. Presenter: Ricardo Soliz, Division Manager, PARD Location: 4700 Winnebago Staff Recommendation: Recommended. Committee Recommendation: On March 10, 2014 the Land, Facilities and Programs Committee voted 2-0 to recommend the approval of this request. Staff: Ricardo Soliz; ricardo.soliz@austintexas.gov Non-Consent Discussion and approval of the 2013 Annual Report of the Parks and Recreation Board. Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws creating a Contracts and Concessions Committee.
E. Briefings Ongoing and Future Construction of the Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase II & Southern Walnut Creek Trail projects – Richard Duane, Project Coordinator, Public Works Department
Update on Auditorium Shores Improvements Project – Marty Stump, Project Management Supervisor, Parks and Recreation
Update on the Colony Park District Master Plan – Laura Toups, P.E., LEE AP, Urban Design Group
F. DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8. The Director will provide a report on the following: Update on the Financial Aid Program March 31st Montopolis Community Center Stakeholder Meeting G. FUTURE ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS H. ADJOURNMENT
A. CALL TO ORDER B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board meeting of February 25, 2014.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
D. NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Consent Make a recommendation to the City Council for the acquisition of 4700 Winnebago as parkland. Presenter: Ricardo Soliz, Division Manager, PARD Location: 4700 Winnebago Staff Recommendation: Recommended. Committee Recommendation: On March 10, 2014 the Land, Facilities and Programs Committee voted 2-0 to recommend the approval of this request. Staff: Ricardo Soliz; ricardo.soliz@austintexas.gov Non-Consent Discussion and approval of the 2013 Annual Report of the Parks and Recreation Board. Discussion and possible action on an amendment to the Parks and Recreation Board Bylaws creating a Contracts and Concessions Committee.
E. Briefings Ongoing and Future Construction of the Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase II & Southern Walnut Creek Trail projects – Richard Duane, Project Coordinator, Public Works Department
Update on Auditorium Shores Improvements Project – Marty Stump, Project Management Supervisor, Parks and Recreation
Update on the Colony Park District Master Plan – Laura Toups, P.E., LEE AP, Urban Design Group
F. DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8. The Director will provide a report on the following: Update on the Financial Aid Program March 31st Montopolis Community Center Stakeholder Meeting G. FUTURE ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS H. ADJOURNMENT