APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of January 24, 2017.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order, will each be allotted three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Consent 2. Action Item: Make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Department Director to exercise the option for the two (2) year extension of the Waller Creek Boathouse management and operation agreement with the Austin Rowing Club Location: 74 Trinity Street; District 9 Committee On February 14, 2017, the Contracts and Concessions Committee voted Recommendation: 3-0 to move the item to the full board with recommendation. Presenter: Gerard Bickham, Contract Administrator, Austin Parks and Recreation
Action Item: Select Parks and Recreation Board member(s) to attend the Board and Commissions CodeNEXT Forum on March 4, 2017 Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
Action Item: Select a member of the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on the Downtown Commission Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
Action Item:Make changes to the membership of the Contracts and Concessions Committee and the Land, Facilities, and Programs Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
BRIEFING AND DISCUSSION ITEMS Briefing Item: Briefing and discussion regarding Aquatics Master Plan progress Presenter: Rey Hernandez, Landscape Architect II, and Kimberly McNeeley, Assistant Director, Austin Parks and Recreation Department
Briefing Item: Briefing regarding the Parks and Recreation Department’s 2016-17 Spending Plan for Allocation of Hotel Occupancy Tax Presenter: Kimberly McKnight, Project Coordinator, Austin Parks and Recreation Department
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of January 24, 2017.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order, will each be allotted three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS Consent 2. Action Item: Make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Department Director to exercise the option for the two (2) year extension of the Waller Creek Boathouse management and operation agreement with the Austin Rowing Club Location: 74 Trinity Street; District 9 Committee On February 14, 2017, the Contracts and Concessions Committee voted Recommendation: 3-0 to move the item to the full board with recommendation. Presenter: Gerard Bickham, Contract Administrator, Austin Parks and Recreation
Action Item: Select Parks and Recreation Board member(s) to attend the Board and Commissions CodeNEXT Forum on March 4, 2017 Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
Action Item: Select a member of the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on the Downtown Commission Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
Action Item:Make changes to the membership of the Contracts and Concessions Committee and the Land, Facilities, and Programs Committee of the Parks and Recreation Board Presenter: Jane Rivera, Parks and Recreation Board Chair
BRIEFING AND DISCUSSION ITEMS Briefing Item: Briefing and discussion regarding Aquatics Master Plan progress Presenter: Rey Hernandez, Landscape Architect II, and Kimberly McNeeley, Assistant Director, Austin Parks and Recreation Department
Briefing Item: Briefing regarding the Parks and Recreation Department’s 2016-17 Spending Plan for Allocation of Hotel Occupancy Tax Presenter: Kimberly McKnight, Project Coordinator, Austin Parks and Recreation Department