APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of March 26, 2019.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order, will each be allotted three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
STAFF BRIEFINGS Presentation regarding the FY19-20 Budget Presenter: David Hillers, Financial Analyst, Parks and Recreation Department
NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS Non-consent Discussion and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board’s FY19-20 Budget Recommendation Rich DePalma, Board Member, Parks and Recreation Board
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board regular meeting of March 26, 2019.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION The first 10 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order, will each be allotted three minutes to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
STAFF BRIEFINGS Presentation regarding the FY19-20 Budget Presenter: David Hillers, Financial Analyst, Parks and Recreation Department
NEW BUSINESS: DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS Non-consent Discussion and possible action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board’s FY19-20 Budget Recommendation Rich DePalma, Board Member, Parks and Recreation Board