B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 8, 2015. Consent: C1 - C8, C12, C15 - C19, C24 Consent Disapproval: C20 - C23 Pulled: C9, C17
B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 8, 2015. Consent: C1 - C8, C12, C16 - C19, C24 Consent Disapproval: C20 - C23
Briefing and discussion regarding new subdivisions that are further resubdivided from duplex/ duplex lots to single-family attached and the allowed zoning districts.
D1. Consider directing staff to initiate rezoning a portion of 2110 South Lamar Boulevard from CS to CS-1. (Distrct 5) G. Adournment
B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 8, 2015. Consent: C1 - C8, C12, C15 - C19, C24 Consent Disapproval: C20 - C23 Pulled: C9, C17
B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes from December 8, 2015. Consent: C1 - C8, C12, C16 - C19, C24 Consent Disapproval: C20 - C23
Briefing and discussion regarding new subdivisions that are further resubdivided from duplex/ duplex lots to single-family attached and the allowed zoning districts.
D1. Consider directing staff to initiate rezoning a portion of 2110 South Lamar Boulevard from CS to CS-1. (Distrct 5) G. Adournment