Consent: B, C9 - C12, C15, C16, C17, C19, and C20 Postponed: C1 - C8, C13, C14, and C18 Consent Disapproval: C21 - C24
Affordable Bonus Working Group Discussion and possible creation of a working group tasked to review and recommend to the Planning Commission changes to the affordable bonuses in Draft 3 of CodeNEXT. (Sponsor: Commissioner Kenny; Co-Sponsor: Commissioner Anderson)
CodeNEXT Discussion and possible action regarding matters related to CodeNEXT including but not limited to staff updates, presentations and scheduling. (Sponsor: Chair Oliver; Co-Sponsor: Vice-Chair Kazi)
COMMITTEE REPORTS Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee Small Area Planning Joint Committee ADJOURNMENT
Consent: B, C9 - C12, C15, C16, C17, C19, and C20 Postponed: C1 - C8, C13, C14, and C18 Consent Disapproval: C21 - C24
Affordable Bonus Working Group Discussion and possible creation of a working group tasked to review and recommend to the Planning Commission changes to the affordable bonuses in Draft 3 of CodeNEXT. (Sponsor: Commissioner Kenny; Co-Sponsor: Commissioner Anderson)
CodeNEXT Discussion and possible action regarding matters related to CodeNEXT including but not limited to staff updates, presentations and scheduling. (Sponsor: Chair Oliver; Co-Sponsor: Vice-Chair Kazi)
COMMITTEE REPORTS Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee Small Area Planning Joint Committee ADJOURNMENT