Call to Order – 4:00pm 1. Approval of Minutes (4:00 pm – 4:05 pm) 2. Citizen Communications (4:05 pm – 4:20 pm) a. Citizens wishing to speak on agenda and non agenda related items will need to sign up ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Non agenda related citizen communications will be discussed during this period and will be limited to the first 5 speakers. Citizen Communications on agenda related items will be allowed after an item’s presentation has been made. Each citizen communicator will be given 3 minutes to speak.
Vote on September PSC Meeting Date Change – Chair Lauderdale The first 5 people signed up to speak under Citizen Communications on these items will be heard from (4:20pm – 4:35pm)
Briefings and Updates(5:00-5:45pm) a. Presentation of APD Staffing Needs related to PERF Study-Assistant Chief Brian Manley
Briefings and Updates(5:00-5:45pm) a. Presentation of APD Staffing Needs related to PERF Study-Assistant Chief Brian Manley
4B. Update on Traffic Related Issues and Concerns – Lieutenant Ely Reyes 5. Discussion regarding Future Agenda Items (5:45 pm – 6:00pm) 6. Adjournment
Call to Order – 4:00pm 1. Approval of Minutes (4:00 pm – 4:05 pm) 2. Citizen Communications (4:05 pm – 4:20 pm) a. Citizens wishing to speak on agenda and non agenda related items will need to sign up ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Non agenda related citizen communications will be discussed during this period and will be limited to the first 5 speakers. Citizen Communications on agenda related items will be allowed after an item’s presentation has been made. Each citizen communicator will be given 3 minutes to speak.
Vote on September PSC Meeting Date Change – Chair Lauderdale The first 5 people signed up to speak under Citizen Communications on these items will be heard from (4:20pm – 4:35pm)
Briefings and Updates(5:00-5:45pm) a. Presentation of APD Staffing Needs related to PERF Study-Assistant Chief Brian Manley
Briefings and Updates(5:00-5:45pm) a. Presentation of APD Staffing Needs related to PERF Study-Assistant Chief Brian Manley
4B. Update on Traffic Related Issues and Concerns – Lieutenant Ely Reyes 5. Discussion regarding Future Agenda Items (5:45 pm – 6:00pm) 6. Adjournment