CALL TO ORDER - 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 15, 2014 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes from the April 15, May 20, and June 17, 2014 regular meetings.
2. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with AISD Performing Arts Center, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd., Austin, Texas 78723, for an estimated $9,077 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $90,766 over a 10-year period. 3. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with General Motors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 7401 E. Ben White Blvd., Bldg. 3, Austin, Texas 78741, for an estimated $38,020 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $380,202 over a 10-year period. 4. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with General Motors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 717 E. Parmer Lane, Austin, Texas 78753, for an estimated $38,054 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $380,537 over a 10-year period. 5. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Lakeway Floors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 911 Ranch Road 620 N., Austin, Texas 78734, for an estimated $11,449 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $114,488 over a 10-year period.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with PSW, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 2501 Thornton Road, Austin, Texas 78704, for an estimated $26,914 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $269,137 over a 10-year period.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Austin/Austin Energy and Austin Community College for collaboration on the Central Texas Fuel Independence Project under a Clean Cities Implementation Initiatives to Advance Alternative Fuels Market grant from the Department of Energy, for an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a contract with DIRECTAPPS, INC. DBA DIRECT TECHNOLOGY, or another qualified offeror to RFP No. GAL0018, for the purchase and implementation of a new workflow automation software solution for Austin Energy’s energy efficiency and solar rebate programs, in an amount not to exceed $798,000 with hosting and support services for one 24-month period in an amount not to exceed $396,000 and three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $198,000 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,788,000.
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding Austin Water Utility’s CIP Projects located in the Drinking Water Protection Zone per financial policy
Austin Energy: Briefing regarding payment agreements, arrearage management and utility hearings processes
Review and possible action regarding the Boards & Commissions Transition Task Force recommendations on changes to membership, purpose and processes referenced in Sections 2-4 of their report:
ROUNDTABLE 13. Updates from Commissioners on activities of interest, including an update from Commissioners Biedrzycki and Hsieh regarding the Austin Generation Resource Planning Task Force 14. Requests for future agenda items
CALL TO ORDER - 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 15, 2014 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes from the April 15, May 20, and June 17, 2014 regular meetings.
2. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with AISD Performing Arts Center, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd., Austin, Texas 78723, for an estimated $9,077 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $90,766 over a 10-year period. 3. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with General Motors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 7401 E. Ben White Blvd., Bldg. 3, Austin, Texas 78741, for an estimated $38,020 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $380,202 over a 10-year period. 4. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with General Motors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 717 E. Parmer Lane, Austin, Texas 78753, for an estimated $38,054 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $380,537 over a 10-year period. 5. Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with Lakeway Floors, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 911 Ranch Road 620 N., Austin, Texas 78734, for an estimated $11,449 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $114,488 over a 10-year period.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an agreement with PSW, to provide a performance-based incentive for the generation of solar energy at its facility located at 2501 Thornton Road, Austin, Texas 78704, for an estimated $26,914 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $269,137 over a 10-year period.
Authorize negotiation and execution of an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Austin/Austin Energy and Austin Community College for collaboration on the Central Texas Fuel Independence Project under a Clean Cities Implementation Initiatives to Advance Alternative Fuels Market grant from the Department of Energy, for an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Authorize award, negotiation, and execution of a contract with DIRECTAPPS, INC. DBA DIRECT TECHNOLOGY, or another qualified offeror to RFP No. GAL0018, for the purchase and implementation of a new workflow automation software solution for Austin Energy’s energy efficiency and solar rebate programs, in an amount not to exceed $798,000 with hosting and support services for one 24-month period in an amount not to exceed $396,000 and three 12-month extension options in an amount not to exceed $198,000 per extension option, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,788,000.
Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding Austin Water Utility’s CIP Projects located in the Drinking Water Protection Zone per financial policy
Austin Energy: Briefing regarding payment agreements, arrearage management and utility hearings processes
Review and possible action regarding the Boards & Commissions Transition Task Force recommendations on changes to membership, purpose and processes referenced in Sections 2-4 of their report:
ROUNDTABLE 13. Updates from Commissioners on activities of interest, including an update from Commissioners Biedrzycki and Hsieh regarding the Austin Generation Resource Planning Task Force 14. Requests for future agenda items