CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of the September 20, 2016 meeting. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL Please sign the speaker sign-in sheet before the meeting begins; limit remarks to 3 minutes.
NEW BUSINESS 3. Authorize execution of an agreement with 78741 Holdings, LP, to provide incentives for the installation of solar electric systems on 20 residential units at its Las Cimas mixed-use development at 2101 Montopolis Drive, for a total amount not to exceed $101,760. (District 3) 5. Authorize negotiation and execution of a 12-month agreement with THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS on behalf of the Clean Energy Incubator, a program of the Austin Technology Incubator, for mutual assistance in the clean energy field, in the amount of $195,000, with one 12-month extension option in the amount of $195,000, for a total amount not to exceed $390,000.
Approve issuance of a rebate to Henderson Global Investors, for performing energy efficiency improvements at the Argosy at Crestview apartment community located at 1003 Justin Lane, in an amount not to exceed $95,279 (District 7).
OLD BUSINESS 7. Discussion and possible action on accelerating the target for local solar in the Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan, including a report from the Working Group. (Sponsors: Commissioner White and Vice Chair Reed) 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chapter 2-1 of the City Code requires that at least two board members sponsor an item to be placed on a future agenda. ADJOURN
CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Approve minutes of the September 20, 2016 meeting. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATIONS: GENERAL Please sign the speaker sign-in sheet before the meeting begins; limit remarks to 3 minutes.
NEW BUSINESS 3. Authorize execution of an agreement with 78741 Holdings, LP, to provide incentives for the installation of solar electric systems on 20 residential units at its Las Cimas mixed-use development at 2101 Montopolis Drive, for a total amount not to exceed $101,760. (District 3) 5. Authorize negotiation and execution of a 12-month agreement with THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS on behalf of the Clean Energy Incubator, a program of the Austin Technology Incubator, for mutual assistance in the clean energy field, in the amount of $195,000, with one 12-month extension option in the amount of $195,000, for a total amount not to exceed $390,000.
Approve issuance of a rebate to Henderson Global Investors, for performing energy efficiency improvements at the Argosy at Crestview apartment community located at 1003 Justin Lane, in an amount not to exceed $95,279 (District 7).
OLD BUSINESS 7. Discussion and possible action on accelerating the target for local solar in the Resource, Generation and Climate Protection Plan, including a report from the Working Group. (Sponsors: Commissioner White and Vice Chair Reed) 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Chapter 2-1 of the City Code requires that at least two board members sponsor an item to be placed on a future agenda. ADJOURN