NEW BUSINESS 2. Recommend issuance of a rebate to CL Arrangement LP, for performing energy efficiency improvements at the Array Apartments located at 2000 Burton Drive, in an amount not to exceed $184,667. (District 3) 3. Recommend issuance of a rebate to Starwood Capital Group, for performing energy efficiency improvements at Mission Grace Woods located at 3209 South I-35, in an amount not to exceed $195,427. (District 3)
NEW BUSINESS 2. Recommend issuance of a rebate to CL Arrangement LP, for performing energy efficiency improvements at the Array Apartments located at 2000 Burton Drive, in an amount not to exceed $184,667. (District 3) 3. Recommend issuance of a rebate to Starwood Capital Group, for performing energy efficiency improvements at Mission Grace Woods located at 3209 South I-35, in an amount not to exceed $195,427. (District 3)