Authorize execution of an agreement with Accesso Services LLC (DBA BRI 1969 Parmer LLC), to provide performance-based incentives for the generation of solar energy at its office park at 7700 W. Parmer Ln., for an estimated $142,790 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $1,427,900 over a 10-year period. (District 6)
Update on the Austin Sustainable and Holistic Integration of Energy Storage and Solar Photovoltaics (SHINES) project.
Policy and Building Code Changes regarding Single-Fueled Utility Customers by Paul Robbins (Related to Item 6)
Discussion and possible action on a resolution to initiate an Energy Code amendment process to consider removal of Section R403.5.5 Water Heating with Adjacent Gas Service. (Sponsors: Commissioners White and Smith)
Elect a Chair and Vice Chair to serve May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020, in accordance with Resource Management Commission By-laws, Article 4. Officers.
Authorize execution of an agreement with Accesso Services LLC (DBA BRI 1969 Parmer LLC), to provide performance-based incentives for the generation of solar energy at its office park at 7700 W. Parmer Ln., for an estimated $142,790 per year, for a total amount not to exceed $1,427,900 over a 10-year period. (District 6)
Update on the Austin Sustainable and Holistic Integration of Energy Storage and Solar Photovoltaics (SHINES) project.
Policy and Building Code Changes regarding Single-Fueled Utility Customers by Paul Robbins (Related to Item 6)
Discussion and possible action on a resolution to initiate an Energy Code amendment process to consider removal of Section R403.5.5 Water Heating with Adjacent Gas Service. (Sponsors: Commissioners White and Smith)
Elect a Chair and Vice Chair to serve May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020, in accordance with Resource Management Commission By-laws, Article 4. Officers.