*This meeting was joined in progress* APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes of the January 21, 2020 meeting.
STAFF REPORTS AND BRIEFINGS Update on the City’s review of the Texas Gas Service Energy Efficiency/Conservation program. (Rondella Hawkins, Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs Officer)
UPDATES FROM COMMISSIONERS, WORKING GROUPS Update from members of the EUC Resource Planning Working Group: Commissioners Dielmann and White
OTHER BUSINESS Revise the 2020 RMC meeting schedule to cancel the March 10, 2020 Regular Meeting and set a Special Called Joint Meeting with the Electric Utility Commission for March 9, 2020 for briefing, discussion and possible action on the Resource Plan
Update from members of the Resource Management Commission Access to Solar Working Group: Commissioners Brenneman, Harmon and Johnson and White
*This meeting was joined in progress* APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve minutes of the January 21, 2020 meeting.
STAFF REPORTS AND BRIEFINGS Update on the City’s review of the Texas Gas Service Energy Efficiency/Conservation program. (Rondella Hawkins, Telecommunications & Regulatory Affairs Officer)
UPDATES FROM COMMISSIONERS, WORKING GROUPS Update from members of the EUC Resource Planning Working Group: Commissioners Dielmann and White
OTHER BUSINESS Revise the 2020 RMC meeting schedule to cancel the March 10, 2020 Regular Meeting and set a Special Called Joint Meeting with the Electric Utility Commission for March 9, 2020 for briefing, discussion and possible action on the Resource Plan
Update from members of the Resource Management Commission Access to Solar Working Group: Commissioners Brenneman, Harmon and Johnson and White