OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint Members and Assign Staff to Committees
OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint Members and Assign Staff to Committees
NEW BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint a member of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to the Joint Sustainability Committee per Resolution No. 20150604-048
Discussion and Action - Consolidation of all City of Austin Department Waste and/or Diversion Contracts within next 180 days
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Approve Bylaws Efficiency and Cost of Service Audit - Research and Report of Findings Citywide Organics Collection Update
OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint Members and Assign Staff to Committees
OLD BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint Members and Assign Staff to Committees
NEW BUSINESS Discussion and Action - Appoint a member of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission to the Joint Sustainability Committee per Resolution No. 20150604-048
Discussion and Action - Consolidation of all City of Austin Department Waste and/or Diversion Contracts within next 180 days
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Approve Bylaws Efficiency and Cost of Service Audit - Research and Report of Findings Citywide Organics Collection Update