CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
Outreach Services for Residential Compost Program – Receive recommendations from the Organics Management Committee and provide a recommendation to negotiate and execute a contract to provide information to customers for the planned expansion of curbside residential compost services.
Council Working Group – receive an update from ZWAC appointee to City Council’s Waste Management Policy Working Group.
Committee Update: the Universal Recycling Ordinance Committee will update the Commission on recent meeting items.
STAFF BRIEFINGS [re]Manufacturing Hub – receive an update from staff and consultant on analysis of the proposed [re]Manufacturing Hub.
ARR FY2018 Budget Update – receive an update and provide input on the April 19th budget presentation to Council and the curbside composting program.
Director’s Report – General Updates: Mattress Recycling, City Council Actions, Statistical Reports and Performance Measures.
CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
Outreach Services for Residential Compost Program – Receive recommendations from the Organics Management Committee and provide a recommendation to negotiate and execute a contract to provide information to customers for the planned expansion of curbside residential compost services.
Council Working Group – receive an update from ZWAC appointee to City Council’s Waste Management Policy Working Group.
Committee Update: the Universal Recycling Ordinance Committee will update the Commission on recent meeting items.
STAFF BRIEFINGS [re]Manufacturing Hub – receive an update from staff and consultant on analysis of the proposed [re]Manufacturing Hub.
ARR FY2018 Budget Update – receive an update and provide input on the April 19th budget presentation to Council and the curbside composting program.
Director’s Report – General Updates: Mattress Recycling, City Council Actions, Statistical Reports and Performance Measures.