OLD BUSINESS Council Working Group receive an update from ZWAC appointee to City Council’s Waste Management Policy Working Group.
Construction and Demolition Ordinance Working Group receive an update from working group regarding recent discussions about increasing the effectiveness of the C&D ordinance.
CodeNEXT obtain and review questions from the Commission regarding proposed changes to the Land Development Code for future submission to the Code Advisory Group.
Department Audit next steps for a review of the department related to ARR Master Plan and Office of Performance Management Review.
NEW BUSINESS Committees appoint a Commission member to serve on the Joint Sustainability Committee, to replace Commissioner Savage.
STAFF BRIEFINGS ARR Budget Update – receive an update on the current fiscal year ARR budget.
Recycling Research: briefing on findings from Design, Technology and Innovation Fellows research on recycling and composting behaviors and perspectives of Austin residents.
OLD BUSINESS Council Working Group receive an update from ZWAC appointee to City Council’s Waste Management Policy Working Group.
Construction and Demolition Ordinance Working Group receive an update from working group regarding recent discussions about increasing the effectiveness of the C&D ordinance.
CodeNEXT obtain and review questions from the Commission regarding proposed changes to the Land Development Code for future submission to the Code Advisory Group.
Department Audit next steps for a review of the department related to ARR Master Plan and Office of Performance Management Review.
NEW BUSINESS Committees appoint a Commission member to serve on the Joint Sustainability Committee, to replace Commissioner Savage.
STAFF BRIEFINGS ARR Budget Update – receive an update on the current fiscal year ARR budget.
Recycling Research: briefing on findings from Design, Technology and Innovation Fellows research on recycling and composting behaviors and perspectives of Austin residents.