CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS Multiple alley and street rights-of-way vacation applications submitted by the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System: File # 9684-1605 Street and Alley Vacation, File #9760-1610 Alley Vacation, and File #9761-1610 Street and Alley Vacation – Discussion and Possible Action Presentation by: Kim Vasquez, Office of Real Estate Services
Transportation Network Companies Update – Briefing Presentation by: Lee Davila, Austin Transportation Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Wilfley CO 1: Commissioner Champion
Ground Transportation Regulatory Reform – Discussion and Possible Action Presentation by: Lee Davila, Austin Transportation Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Weatherby CO 1: Commissioner Johnson
CodeNEXT Draft Land Development Code and CodeNEXT Advisory Group (CAG) Boards and Commissions Forum – Discussion and Possible Action Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Davis CO 1: Commissioner Johnson
5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This is a running list of potential future agenda items that have been proposed by staff and/or commissioners which may be placed on a future UTC agenda. These items will not be discussed by the commission as part of this current agenda. A. Special Events Draft Ordinance B. Pedestrian Mall C. Non-Radioactive Hazardous Materials Route Designation Study D. North Toll Road 130 E. Prop 7 TXDOT F. Transit Impact Fee for Special Events G. Personal Rapid Transit 6. ADJOURNMENT
CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first 4 speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda.
NEW BUSINESS Multiple alley and street rights-of-way vacation applications submitted by the Board of Regents of the University of Texas System: File # 9684-1605 Street and Alley Vacation, File #9760-1610 Alley Vacation, and File #9761-1610 Street and Alley Vacation – Discussion and Possible Action Presentation by: Kim Vasquez, Office of Real Estate Services
Transportation Network Companies Update – Briefing Presentation by: Lee Davila, Austin Transportation Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Wilfley CO 1: Commissioner Champion
Ground Transportation Regulatory Reform – Discussion and Possible Action Presentation by: Lee Davila, Austin Transportation Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Weatherby CO 1: Commissioner Johnson
CodeNEXT Draft Land Development Code and CodeNEXT Advisory Group (CAG) Boards and Commissions Forum – Discussion and Possible Action Notes: SPONSOR: Commissioner Davis CO 1: Commissioner Johnson
5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS This is a running list of potential future agenda items that have been proposed by staff and/or commissioners which may be placed on a future UTC agenda. These items will not be discussed by the commission as part of this current agenda. A. Special Events Draft Ordinance B. Pedestrian Mall C. Non-Radioactive Hazardous Materials Route Designation Study D. North Toll Road 130 E. Prop 7 TXDOT F. Transit Impact Fee for Special Events G. Personal Rapid Transit 6. ADJOURNMENT