Zoning and Rezoning: C14-2019-0109 - Messinger Tract Rezoning; District 5 Location: 9900 David Moore Drive and 9800 Swansons Ranch Road, Slaughter Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Milton A. Messinger Tax Exempt Family Trust Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower) Request: I-RR; RR to SF-6 Staff Rec.: Recommended, with conditions Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719 Planning and Zoning Department
NEW BUSINESS 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting Schedule Discussion and possible action to adopt the Zoning and Platting Commission 2020 meeting schedule.
ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Revision of the Austin Land Development Code Discussion and possible action regarding matters related to any proposed revisions to the Land Development Code including but not limited to staff updates, presentations and scheduling. Co- Sponsors: Chair Kiolbassa, Vice-Chair Duncan
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will not be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion or possible recommendation at a future meeting.
COMMITTEE REPORTS & WORKING GROUPS Facilitator: Renee Johns, 512-749-2767 Attorney: Chad Shaw, 512-974-2671 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee (Vice-Chair Duncan, Commissioners: Barrera-Ramirez and Denkler) Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee (Commissioners: Aguirre, Evans and Smith) Small Area Planning Joint Committee (Commissioners Aguirre and King) Affordable Housing Working Group (Commissioners: Aguirre, King and Tatkow) ADJOURNMENT
Zoning and Rezoning: C14-2019-0109 - Messinger Tract Rezoning; District 5 Location: 9900 David Moore Drive and 9800 Swansons Ranch Road, Slaughter Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Milton A. Messinger Tax Exempt Family Trust Agent: Thrower Design (Ron Thrower) Request: I-RR; RR to SF-6 Staff Rec.: Recommended, with conditions Staff: Wendy Rhoades, 512-974-7719 Planning and Zoning Department
NEW BUSINESS 2020 Zoning and Platting Commission Meeting Schedule Discussion and possible action to adopt the Zoning and Platting Commission 2020 meeting schedule.
ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION Revision of the Austin Land Development Code Discussion and possible action regarding matters related to any proposed revisions to the Land Development Code including but not limited to staff updates, presentations and scheduling. Co- Sponsors: Chair Kiolbassa, Vice-Chair Duncan
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Future agenda items will not be discussed at the current meeting, but will be offered for initiation, discussion or possible recommendation at a future meeting.
COMMITTEE REPORTS & WORKING GROUPS Facilitator: Renee Johns, 512-749-2767 Attorney: Chad Shaw, 512-974-2671 Commission Liaison: Andrew Rivera, 512-974-6508 Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee (Vice-Chair Duncan, Commissioners: Barrera-Ramirez and Denkler) Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee (Commissioners: Aguirre, Evans and Smith) Small Area Planning Joint Committee (Commissioners Aguirre and King) Affordable Housing Working Group (Commissioners: Aguirre, King and Tatkow) ADJOURNMENT