Approval of the dedication of the Kent Butler Ecological Reserve – Chair Leffingwell and Members
Consider and take Action on Secretary’s proposed construction approval for Jollyville Transmission Main – Member Huber, Secretary
Receive reports from the BCP Completion Task Group and take action as appropriate - Secretary and BCP Partners
Take action to request data and reports resulting from research conducted on BCP from Texas A&M University - Secretary
Receive reports from BCP partners on wildfire planning and actions, take action as appropriate – Secretary, BCP Partners
Receive reports on the status of BCCP Public Participation and Infrastructure Mitigation processes by Travis Co, City of Austin, and BCCP Secretary
Approval of the dedication of the Kent Butler Ecological Reserve – Chair Leffingwell and Members
Consider and take Action on Secretary’s proposed construction approval for Jollyville Transmission Main – Member Huber, Secretary
Receive reports from the BCP Completion Task Group and take action as appropriate - Secretary and BCP Partners
Take action to request data and reports resulting from research conducted on BCP from Texas A&M University - Secretary
Receive reports from BCP partners on wildfire planning and actions, take action as appropriate – Secretary, BCP Partners
Receive reports on the status of BCCP Public Participation and Infrastructure Mitigation processes by Travis Co, City of Austin, and BCCP Secretary