APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Discussion and possible action on the October 28, 2013 Design Commission meeting minutes; b. Discussion and possible action on the November 14, 2013 Executive Committee meeting minutes; c. Discussion and possible action on the September 6, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; d. Discussion and possible action on the September 20, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; e. Discussion and possible action on the July 15, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; f. Discussion and possible action on the January 25, 2013 Executive Committee meeting minutes.
Discussion and possible action on process for evaluating projects seeking review for substantial compliance of the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin under the Density Bonus Program for Downtown.
a. Discussion and possible action on the Aspen Heights Apartments schematic submittal located at 8th Street and Nueces St. seeking support for the project and review for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. (Brett Rhode, Rhode Partners).
a. Discussion and possible action on the Aspen Heights Apartments schematic submittal located at 8th Street and Nueces St. seeking support for the project and review for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. (Brett Rhode, Rhode Partners).
Discussion and possible action on reorganizing all Design Commission working groups and liaisons to streamline process for efficiency.
Discussion and possible action on timeline and related documents for accomplishing Design Guidelines for infrastructure projects as directed by City Council Resolution No.: 20120816-060.
7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Transportation Criteria Manual Revisions 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Discussion and possible action on the October 28, 2013 Design Commission meeting minutes; b. Discussion and possible action on the November 14, 2013 Executive Committee meeting minutes; c. Discussion and possible action on the September 6, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; d. Discussion and possible action on the September 20, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; e. Discussion and possible action on the July 15, 2013 Design Commission special-called meeting minutes; f. Discussion and possible action on the January 25, 2013 Executive Committee meeting minutes.
Discussion and possible action on process for evaluating projects seeking review for substantial compliance of the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin under the Density Bonus Program for Downtown.
a. Discussion and possible action on the Aspen Heights Apartments schematic submittal located at 8th Street and Nueces St. seeking support for the project and review for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. (Brett Rhode, Rhode Partners).
a. Discussion and possible action on the Aspen Heights Apartments schematic submittal located at 8th Street and Nueces St. seeking support for the project and review for substantial compliance with the Urban Design Guidelines for Austin. (Brett Rhode, Rhode Partners).
Discussion and possible action on reorganizing all Design Commission working groups and liaisons to streamline process for efficiency.
Discussion and possible action on timeline and related documents for accomplishing Design Guidelines for infrastructure projects as directed by City Council Resolution No.: 20120816-060.
7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Transportation Criteria Manual Revisions 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff.