Discussion and possible action on the Reconnect Austin Project seeking support from the Design Commission to consider this as an additional alternative and request that it receive further study. (Sinclair Black, Black+Vernooy Architecture and Urban Design);
Discussion and possible action on the Design Development submittal of the Fiskville Substation Enclosure Project located at 9821 ½ Middle Fiskville Rd. seeking support for the replacement of the chain link fence. (Ron Humphrey, COA- Austin Energy); and
Briefing on the City of Austin Bike Share Program (Nadia Barrera, COA - Public Works Department).
Discussion and possible action on Design Guidelines for infrastructure projects as directed by City Council Resolution No.: 20120816-060 including discussion on Design Commission’s areas of critical concern and engagement with City Staff.
5. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Standing Committees Reports; b. Working Group Reports; c. Liaison Reports; d. Appointment of Committee/Working Group members by Chair. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Transportation Criteria Manual Revisions 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff. Adjournment
Discussion and possible action on the Reconnect Austin Project seeking support from the Design Commission to consider this as an additional alternative and request that it receive further study. (Sinclair Black, Black+Vernooy Architecture and Urban Design);
Discussion and possible action on the Design Development submittal of the Fiskville Substation Enclosure Project located at 9821 ½ Middle Fiskville Rd. seeking support for the replacement of the chain link fence. (Ron Humphrey, COA- Austin Energy); and
Briefing on the City of Austin Bike Share Program (Nadia Barrera, COA - Public Works Department).
Discussion and possible action on Design Guidelines for infrastructure projects as directed by City Council Resolution No.: 20120816-060 including discussion on Design Commission’s areas of critical concern and engagement with City Staff.
5. COMMITTEE AND LIAISON REPORTS (Discussion and Possible Action) a. Standing Committees Reports; b. Working Group Reports; c. Liaison Reports; d. Appointment of Committee/Working Group members by Chair. 7. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Transportation Criteria Manual Revisions 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Chair Announcements; b. Items from Commission Members; and c. Items from City Staff. Adjournment